What made the news on Wednesday
This seems to be the first time the picture has come up on the screen so quickly. The picture is just some small waves taken in the evening. It is a peaceful looking picture. Speaking of peaceful, I slept through Bush's farewell address to the nation. I missed the final " My fellow Americans" statement. Mom said his speech had no content. He said nothing according to my mom. I did read he defended his record as President and wished the new guy good luck. I don't think he mentioned about the air rescue of the jet which went down in the Hudson River. This event seemed to overshadow all other events of the evening. The news media has been calling it a miracle how all the passengers were able to get out of the plane alive and in pretty good shape. The plane went down into the Hudson River where it was close to ferry boats and did not hit any other boat when it reached water. The pilot and the crew have been praised by city officials for their efforts in saving the passengers.
At 7:12 AM,
Lew said…
Brrrrr. It is cold. The heater in the central air is working overtime. I probably won't rake any leaves today because of the cold. I don't want to come down with another cold. I didn't watch Bush's farewell address either. We watched wrestling intead. But I went to bed at 9:30 which is my usual time because I usually get up at 5:30 am. However, this morning I slept in until 6:30 am. Today will involve another trip to Walmart which will be the high point of the day. It will be mostly a "stay in the warm house" day. Your picture of the ocean remains small when you click on it to enlarge it. I saved it to desktop and viewed it with Windows Picture to magnify it. When I magnified it the resolution was way low. Plus the picture file size is 4.7 kilobytes which is very low. I suspect that you had changed the settings on your camera resolution to "low". I change my camera resolution settings to "low" sometimes when I am having problems with motion. The pictures in the low resolution mode seem to have a faster exposure time but at a sacrifice in detail. I will also use the low resolution setting to keep the file size of the picture low. Have some hot chocolate (with marshmellows, of course) to help keep warm. Even holding the hot cup of chocolate in your cold hands will help. Stay warm. Lew
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