Sunday January 25 a week before the Images art show
The little green car is the latest fad to drive on the beach. I think it looks really cute. Lillian's latest adventure is her doing the invitations on her computer. I have no clue on what they will look like. The weather has warmed up a bit. I did notice the humidity has returned. The one thing I liked about the cold weather was it got rid of the humidity. The true Florida has returned. What do you think our rain chances are during the January, February, March season? Will we get anymore rain storms? Before I forget again, in answer to Lew's question about the houseboat it is still there partially submerged in water. I see the boat every time I cross the South Bridge. I am thinking maybe they are using it for a barrier reef. Something to grow barnacles and support fish life. I also have the thought what a waste of a good houseboat. Next weekend is the Images Art Show. This show is on the grand scale like the Winter Park Art Show. There are a lot of pictures and paintings to see and a hard time finding a place to park. It is also the weekend of the local high school spaghetti dinner for 5 bucks. I am looking forward to it.
At 7:41 AM,
Lew said…
I am assuming that the little green car in the pictures is an electric car. It looks to have three wheels. I think that is going to be the wave of the future. Europeans have adjusted to small compact vehicles long ago. We will have to do the same. Small compacts are good if everyone is driving them but I wouldn’t want to be in one and get hit by a great big Buick or Chrysler. I would be squashed like a bug. The car in the picture has had some rough times. The rear view mirror on the driver side is being held on by tape. Plus it is not even sitting on the mounting bracket on the car which is where the mirror is suppose to be. And the blue color of the mirror doesn’t match the green color of the rear view mirror on the passenger side. The fender by the driver is all scraped up. But none-the-less it looks like a lot of fun. There must be a rental place for them nearby. The driver must be from Canada because there is a maple leaf emblem on his hat which is the national symbol of Canada. See how much there is to see in a picture. Worth a thousand words and I could probably write a thousand on each and every picture, or so it seems.
It was nice of you to call Mike. He does seem to be down, but that would be expected with what he has gone through.
The only thing that I know about weather is that "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb". But specifically about rain, "April showers brings May flowers". Remember those quotes? I use to get the Farmer's almanac when I was young because it had so many articles on a variety of subjects. I think that their weather forecasts were based on past weather. I know in the summer here in Florida we have pretty consistent weather. Partly cloudy with a chance of afternoon showers. Each day it is the same thing and sure enough in the afternoon here comes the showers. With solar clothes dryers you have to do your laundry in the morning or get a second rinse to your clothes from the rains if you do the laundry in the afternoon. And do those summer rains cool things off? Nope, just raises the humidity to 100%.
Sorry to hear that the houseboat is still partially submerged. It is going to get ruined. If it is fiberglass or aluminum it may last for a while in the water. My brother had a small houseboat once and he absolutely loved it. He put a large outboard motor on the back to make it go faster because those flat bottmed boats always go slow. Look up the word putt-putt-putt in the dictionary and you will probably see a picture of a houseboat. Artifial reef? Probably. I am sure that it is full of fish. When I was doing environmental sampling in Miami one day I saw a car completely submerged in a canal on this dirt road in the farming area. I couldn't tell if anybody was in the car. The car had algae on it so I knew that it wasn't recent. I called the police and they sent the police divers out to check the car for bodies. They dove in and came up and said that there weren't any bodies in the car. What a relief. The police theorized that some kids had probably stolen it for a joy ride and when they were done they let the car drive itself into the canal. There was a tow truck at the scene and it pulled the car up out of the canal. As the car came out of the water, the police diver opened the door of the car to let the water out of the car. Out came a tidal wave of water and fish with it. I was amazed at the size and the number of fish that were in the car. The fish probably got in through the open driver side window of the car which was down. Although it was a fresh water canal, I guess in a sense that car was like an artificial reef. The fish fell back into the water and swam off probably being very upset that they had been displaced from their new home.
I don't have anything specifically planned for today. Yesterday was a trip to Wal-mart and the library where we picked up a bunch of DVD's to watch. They have so many at the library that I am not sure if we will ever exhaust their supply. We already checked the movie calendar for the theater at West Oaks mall and did not see anything special playing. It should be nice out today so have a nice day. On second thought, not just a nice day, have a great day. Supersize your enjoyment today like supersizing the combo meals at McDonalds and Burger King. Lew
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