Is it Groundhog day?
I took the groundhog test and failed every question. Bummer! At least, the Steelers won the Super Bowl and Tampa has a lot more money. The weather is suppose to be raining this evening and turning cold again. The key lime tree has to come back inside, so the baby fruit will be ok. Some of our plants are just sensitive to cold weather. The fried chicken was excellant yesterday. I also liked the mashed potatoes and gravy along with the broccoli vegetable melody. Tonight dinner is black bean soup with ham. I also heard someone won the 22 million dollar lottery. I didn't even play power ball. The dreaded tax stuff has to be tackled before Friday. Mom and I have an appointment on Friday to see the tax guy in Pine Hills to go over this years tax stuff. Maybe if it rains, it will be easier to work of the tax stuff.
At 6:24 AM,
Lew said…
I did a little better on the groundhog test but by not much. I got two correct. And as far as the Pittsburg Steelers winning, I was rooting for the Arizona Cardinals because I use to lived there. Plus I graduated from Arizona State University, so I had no choice but to root for the Cardinals. Additionally, we have Cardinals (the bird) around the house here. I would still like to get some hummingbirds to hang around here but I don't want to hang up a feeder if there aren't any in the area. By the way, regarding the fried chicken supper, was the gravy home made or the Heinz gravy in a jar. The jar gravy is actually pretty good. Mary and I were going to go fishing today but the prediction for rain is 100%. So the fishing trip may have to be put on hold. The kitten just drank out of my glass of ice water and so I had to dump the glass of ice water. The kitten is sweet but sometimes she can be a pest. Have a nice day. Lew
At 6:29 AM,
Lew said…
As for the picture, OH no, attack of the giant pelicans!!! Just kidding. I guess that I watch too many movies on the sci-fi channel. Have a good day. Don't forget to bring in the lime tree. Lew
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