Faded memories
With all the cold weather up North, I am enjoying the cooler weather here in Florida. I never spent a winter up North or really got to see snow in person. I have been up North in the fall when the weather would be some what cooler and the leaves had changed to brown and the colors on the leaves were starting to emerge. I was still at the stage of life where I was asking myself what I wanted to be in the future. I thought about being a teacher right after the show "The Bionic Woman" was playing on television. I was thinking astronaut when "Lost in Space" was playing on television. I never thought cowboy during the show "Bonanza." I remember the cooler walks on the hilly roads of Upland, Indiana. I remember walking near a middle school or Junior High, but I don't remember where it was. I remember the dirt roads around my Granddad's place in Buffalo, Indiana. The corn grew so tall, the air was so crispy, the blueberries were five times the size you see in the frozen section of the Publix today. I remember how squishy the earthworms were on my fingers when I would use them as bait on my fishing line. I remember catching the little sunfish for sport verses frying them up for dinner. I think we did cook the fish up a couple of times, but not that often. I remember at my Granddad's place the shower had plastic stall frame. This was the same way at my mom's Uncle Forrest Geyer's place in Logansport, Indiana. He was the great Uncle to Glendon (my sister) and I, but we still called him Uncle Forrest. He liked to be called Unk for short. The stories Uncle Forrest would tell about his home brewing and his buddy Shotgun were interesting to hear. Uncle Forrest was always so generous with giving mom and I a place to stay and food to eat with baths and washing machine. When Uncle Forrest got up he was kind of quiet and his eyes kind of buldged. His pants and shirt were soft looking. I did not have to touch his clothes to know his clothes were soft to the feel. He turned more talkative after drinking his coffee. He was generous with taking us places where we wanted to go . Uncle Forrest was a lifeline when we would come up to visit on the train and the train would drop mom and I in a neighboring town in the middle of the night. He didn't mind the time. He was there to take us back to his home which became our home while we stayed there. I wasn't established in the coffee market, so I drank drinks like Postum, Hot chocolate, malted milk, and eggnog. These are just a few memories that are a source of good feelings for me.
At 7:00 AM,
Lew said…
Sounds like Uncle Forrest for you was like Addie Dingman's camp was for me. Something from childhood that was very pleasant at the time and is now a pleasant memory to be recalled during wistful moments. That is what relatives are for, someone you can always depend on to help. I have my own three definitions of who a friend is:
1) A friend is someone who helps
you just to be nice and expects
nothing in return
2) A friend is someone who offers
to help you without having to
be asked.
3) A friend is someone who helps
when no one else will.
A friend is someone who does any one of these things. Anyone who does all three is a super friend. These are just some criteria that I have came up with. Sounds like Uncle Forrest meets the criteria for a super-friend.
It was good to be young though. Didn't have to worry about putting food on the table, paying the rent, and a multitude of other worries. Only had to worry about one thing, what game to play next to have fun. Whe I was young I was so anxious to grow up. Now as I think back that time of play doesn't seem so bad. Saturday and Sunday were play all day. Then comes summer vacation and it was play all day seven days a week. Hey, what fun, what adventures, what memories. Good times
It sounds like you do the same thing that I do, get really wrapped up in movies or shows. When I watch an Arnold Schwartzenagger movie, I get completely taken with the action and I feel that I am right up there on the screen with him fighting the bad guys. The same goes for Rambo and Chuck Norris. Obviously I like action films. But I remember seeing an interview of Deforest Kelly who played the doctor on the original star trek series. He said that when he makes appearances at the star trek conventions he always has someone in the audience who is a doctor who comes up to him afterwards and tells him that they went into medicine because of the character he played on tv. He said being told that by some doctor always amazed him that he was able to have that much influence through the character that he played. He seemed pleased by it though. Today is going to be a cold day and so that will make it an indoor activities day. Mary and I will be going to Wal-mart. We normally don't go on the week-ends because of the crowds but there are some thing that we need. Mary boiled some crab last night which was good. But I did have a hard time getting the meat out of the shell of the legs. I am not very adept at it. Boiled potatoes, cranberry raisin bread, and a red velvet twinkie for dessert. Tonight it is pork chops. Tomorrow is Denny's for lunch. Mary suggested that we got to a Mexican style restaurant called Chili's for Valentine's day. Take care and for goodness sake stay warm. It isn't cool out, it is just plain old-fashioned cold. Lew
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