Start of a new week
Mom liked this picture. She thinks the girls were interesting subjects. As I look at the picture of the Great Wall of China, I see miles and miles of wall were people could walk in isolation. The picture shows snow on the ground. The area around the wall are small mountains which are pretty to see, but give me the city. Lots more people and entertainment. Today is garbage day , I got a doctor's appointment day, and Presidents day.
Garbage needs to go out to the curb early because the garbage truck comes around 8:30 a.m. The doctor's appointment is at 10:15, so I should leave around 9:30. There will be no mail pick up today due to President's day. This is also the last day of the Bealle's sale. I don't think mom and I will be going this time. The library will be closed, so I won't bring my library stuff back until tomorrow. The rain chances should be lowered, so it would be a good day to wash some clothes and let them sun dry. I will call my sister a little later. She doesn't work today, so she can recover from her hard labor over the weekend. I have no idea what will be for dinner or what tomorrow will be like. It will be something to anticipate.
At 8:31 AM,
Blueherun said…
I forgot it was Presidents Day. Probably because I don't care since our last president, GWB's poor job of running our country and getting us into this economic mess still has me fuming.
Give me the country any day! I live in the city, its a nice city, Orlando, but I prefer the sounds and smells of nature to sirens, highway, planes.
I like the photo also, now put the same photo with the three on a busy street and it wouldn't be the same.
At 3:19 PM,
Lew said…
A nice picture because it shows what I call tidal pools. This is an area of the beach which must be shallow because when the tide goes out the shallow water remains. You can see it at the top of your picture stretching from left to right. When I was in Miami I loved lying in these because the shallow water would get so warm from the heat of the sun. It would be warmer than bath water. It felt good and was relaxing. Other people did it too. Pretty soon the bathers will return and the beach will be a lively place. Mary made steak sandwiches for supper and french fries. I put the thick and hearty style A1 steak sauce on my sandwich and drowned my french fries in ketchup. I always drown my french fries with ketchup. Have a good evening. Lew
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