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How come the Utilities keep raising the rates of usage concerning electricity and water, but are suppose to come up with all these money saving ideas on how to better use our energy? How come the Post Office keeps raising the postage rate for a mailing stamp? If you buy a forever stamp at today's rates, you can use the same stamp to mail a letter at tomorrow's rates. The price of gas is up to $2.13 per gallon. How much further will the price increase? Dare I ask? As a kid, did you get dared into doing something you regretted doing later? Yesterday was a little too cool for the beach. Mom and I saw two separate movies. She saw "New in Town" and I saw " Pink Panther 2" with Steve Martin. He was good in the role, but I still like Peter Sellers a bit better. Mom enjoyed her movie" New in Town" a lot. This reminded mom of our relationship with our Minnesota friend Joe.
At 6:42 AM,
Lew said…
When I lived in Phoenix many years ago, the electrical utilities was promoting saving electricity. And it worked. People voluntarily cut their usage. So what did the electric utilities do? They raised the rate that they charged for electricity because they said that that when people reduced their electric usage, the electric bills went down and so did the revenues for the electric company and so they raised their rates. There was a public outcry over this but it didn't do any good.
Regrets? Yes, I did something on a dare once that I regretted. But the dare came from myself. I was very young, probably around ten years old. It was the weekend and I had my baseball with me. I was standing in front of the grade school. I had gotten pretty good at throwing a baseball and I wanted to prove it to my friend. The elementary school building was made out of red brick. Between each floor there was a layer of plain brick. On the first floor was the main doors. On the second and third floors were windows. I said to my friend Butchy that I was going to throw the baseball through the window. I was kidding, of course. I was going to throw the baseball to hit the wall between the windows of the second and third floor. Butchy told me that I would get into trouble if I did that. Intending to fool him I said that I was going to do it anyway. I threw the baseball aiming for the wall between the two windows. It was a big space and impossible to miss so I was very confident. Well, as luck would have it, I must have tensed slightly as I threw the baseball. Initially the ball was right on target and then it slowed and began to drop and went right through the window on the second floor. I told Butchy that it was an accident but he said that I told him that I was going to throw it through the window and I did. Not matter how much I professed my real intention, he would not believe me. After all I had done exactly what I said that I was going to do. There was no way to convince him. And besides, I had now lost my expensive baseball. It was a lesson in life to not be so smart mouthed. I regretted the incident because breaking the window was not my intention. But I did learn from it and it changed my behaviour that day.
If you like Peter Sellers there is an old movie that I saw once which I liked. It was titled The Party. The opening scenes of the movie were hysterical. In addition to Peter Sellers, it also starred Claudine Longet who always talked in a soft voice. The movie is not very long. You may be able to get it from the library. Here is a link on it from Wikepedia.
Enjoy the coolness while you can. Lew
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