Whats on television?
I found it harder to look up a good clean joke. The more I looked the worse the jokes turned out. I only sent two out, so this person will have to be happy with what he received. The weather was cool over the weekend. I really didn't go anyplace. I just did laundry and listened for the hummingbird. I know I heard the hummingbird, but I didn't see the hummingbird. The turkey thigh dinner did turn out pretty good. Mom made dressing and gravy and cooked a sweet potato which we split into two. Mom also cut up some fruit to eat with the meal, but we both were too full to eat the fruit. I fell asleep last night during the Oscars, but it was still going on when I woke up. Mom said she got bored with the musical number. I like Hugh Jackman as a host, but his singing should only be kept to his shower. I have heard better singing on "American Idol." Tonight is" the Bachelor" and Tomorrow is "American Idol." I am looking forward to some good television.
At 7:04 AM,
Lew said…
In the picture it appears that word travels fast amongst the seagulls when food is available. The kitten that we have is very food orientated. Even though she has just eaten, if food is brought out of the refrigerator she wants some of it even though there is uneaten food in her food dish. We theorize that this is probably a carry-over from her days as a small starving kitten before Mary found her. A good example of serendipidity. The kitten was in the right place at the right time. She immediately went from starvation to having all of the food she could eat and then some. Her food dish is never empty and she has food anytime she wants. But that pre-Mary lifestyle of hunger must be entrenched within her. My mom always saved any food uneaten to be served the next day. She also saved empty containers for storage. When I asked her why she did this she told me that it was from having gone through the depression and having nothing. She said that she always had a lingering fear that the depression might return.
Ryder coffee. That is what I call it. I had read once in one of the blogs that the Ryders use an electric percolator. We had tried using the standard Mr. Coffee drip coffee maker. But we didn't care for the taste of the coffee. It just wasn't the same as the coffee at work. Then I remembered about the blog and the electric percolator that the Ryders use. I told Mary about it and she dug around in the back of a kitchen cupboard and found an electric percolator. Now she makes her coffee in an eletric percolator. It makes the funniest sounds: bubble-bubble-bubble-clunk, bubble-bubble-bubble-clunk. It makes that sound the whole time that it is percolating. The bubbling must be the coffee coming up through the stem. The clunk noise has me a little puzzled, unless it is the whole assembly inside periodically dropping back down onto the heating element. The coffee tastes better but still not as good as at work. I think that the taste may be from iron in the water since we are on well water. Mary thinks that it may be because we use the Coffee Mate creamer instead of the canned evaporated milk that we use to use. We don't want to use the evaporated milk because of the cholesterol. And we are using Folgers coffee because of the descriptions of how good Folgers coffee is in a long ago previous blog.
I didn't see the academy awards last night because they don't give the best picture, actor and actress until the very end which is way past my bedtime.
I slept in this morning. I didn't get up until 6:45. Earlier the cat was outside the bedroom door meowing to get in. We can't let her in because like all cats she roams all over the place at night instead of sleeping and then sleeps during the day. Our chihuahua sleeps in the bedroom at night with his own special cushion to sleep on and with his own very nice blanket. Definitely a "pampered pooch". Have a nice cool and pleasant day. Lew
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