Start the morning with coffee
I open up the spam after finding nothing in the regular e-mail and it is all scam artist material. This trash states" we are transferring your money from Austria or Nigeria." Can you say SCAM? I took my Lutein and found it to be very routine. I took my Beta Carotene and found it gritty and suddenly the carrot taste started coming through squishing in my mouth as I chewed on the gel capsule. I drank some coffee to wash the flavor down. I took my big giant vitamin D pill and washed it down with some coffee. I bet it is not as fun just taking one multi-vitamin. Do you remember taking kid vitamins like Flinstones? I remember taking kid vitamins, but I don't think it was Flinstones at the time I was growing up. I can not remember what brand it was. I do remember the vitamin had either had an orange flavor or cherry flavor. Do you remember the cereal King Vitamin? I use to eat this cereal as I was kid, but I have seen the cereal on the store shelf not to long ago. I remember it had a real crunchy sugary flavor when you first pour on the milk. The longer you left the milk on the more soggy the cereal turned. I remember Life cereal was the same way. I took the picture of the RV on the beach because I don't see many RVs on the beach anymore. It seemed like a rare event. I did hear on the news where Indiana has a real crisis regarding building RVs. The economic crisis had scared customers away and jobs were vanishing. I think this is sad. I remember when RVs were the popular thing to have. In fact, my dad, mom, sister and I took a rented Winnebago to Tennessee. The trip to me was lots of fun. This was family togetherness. We lasted through an axle being fixed. My dad did most of the driving. I was too young to drive at the time. I enjoyed the bunk bed area over the driver's seat in the front. I enjoyed the cool fall like air in Tennessee. I enjoyed eating wild onions which grew in the ground like weeds. I wish I could remember what was said during this trip, but with time valuable memories got replaced. This morning I talked briefly with my sister Glendon about her work day. She says programs the Vets undertake at the College are being cut, so there is less work for her. At least she still has a job for now.
At 6:20 AM,
Lew said…
Well, we made it to Saturday. I am still in the M-F workday, Sat and Sun weekend off mindset. Although every day is like a Saturday now that I am retired, I still count the passage of time by the arrival of yet another Saturday. One good thing about the weekend is that the stock Markey can’t go any lower until Monday. Just how low will it go? I remember the old television commercial with John Houseman where he says “buy low, sell high” which is good stock market advice but how low is low?
I checked the cars and Mary’s car has a thick layer of frost on it. Perhaps this is the last time for frost until next winter. In the summer each morning everything is sopping wet with the dew.
Today I am going to go to a bookstore east on Colonial near Bumby. It is a huge bookstore consisting of two levels with an escalator to go from the first floor to the second floor. I want to check out their medical books. Being so large they have a good selection. After the bookstore, I think that I will stop at the library downtown. They have a coffee-table book of the art of Andrew Wyeth. One of his paintings I really like. It is called A Study for April Wind. This is the one that I searched for over 30 years and Mary sent to me in an email. The word “study” when used in the title of an artwork usually means a preliminary or practice type of picture. I don’t know if it was me or if it was Mary who discovered a colorized version of the painting but it was now titled Chill. I like this colorized version better than the black-and-white version. However, I think that the title April Wind is much more befitting to the painting than Chill.
Saturday is big breakfast day and we are going to have fried eggs set atop hash browns. Mary puts the hash browns in the broiler so that they get a little crispy on top. With that we will also have the cinnamon biscuits with the thick layer of white icing on top. It will be a yummy breakfast.
The picture is nice. It is nice and crisp with a lot of clarity. Looks like a shrimp boat out in the ocean to the right of the RV. At Disney there was a married couple I worked with and they were what is known as "full time RV'ers". They live in the RV year round. They drive down to Orlando in the fall and park it in a campgroun d or trailer park so that they have water, electric, and sewage hook-ups. Then in the spring they drive it back north and find a campground or park up there to spend the summer. They get the best of both worlds, the warm winter in Florida and the cool summer up north.
I remember orange flacored chewable St. Joesph's aspirins as kid. I liked them because of the orange flavor. Now I prefer cereal with dehydrated fruit in it because it changes the color of the milk to red for straberries and blue for blueberries. Have a nice day today as it warms up some. Lew
At 4:45 PM,
Blueherun said…
I remember those vitamins too, but I can't for the life of me think of their name either.
Wow, I need to go have breakfast at Lew's house! Cinnamon biscuits with buttercream icing, omg, that was one of my favorites.
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