Feed the birds
My last visit to the Oncology Department of the local hospital Bert Fish where I had my blood level checked emerged an interesting situation. This elderly gentlemen was walking out with a hat that looked like a golfer's visor and it looked like he had hair that spiked up top. I didn't think anything of it, until he removed his visor. The visor came off his head along with what looked like his hair. He was really balded up top and this was just to give an appearance of hair.Yesterday, mom and I briefly stopped at the North end ot the beach by Flagler to feed the birds some leftover bread. This was after my trip to the local doctor where he said my blood sugar was up, but my cholesterol was 176 which was pretty good. The seagulls in the picture acted like the birds out of the Afred Hichcock's move "The Birds." They squawked at me and try to invade my space while I tried to throw the leftover bread into the air. The pigeons were down below at my feet. One kept pecking at my heels while I was tossing the bread out. I like throwing slices out and watching the seagulls chase after one seagull with a full piece of bread in his beak. The lead bird usually heads over water where he drops the bread and it is lost to everyone. I think it is still fun to watch the chase. The weather was kind of cool yesterday. I don't know what it will be like for today. I guess it will be a suprise.
At 6:20 AM,
Lew said…
That seagull was really close. I am surprised that it wasn't blurred more by its movement. Having a large lens helps to reduce the exposure time. I guess that the seagulls are sort of "beach bums", they just wait around for handouts.
This morning I woke up around 5:00, went back to sleep, woke up again around 5:30, went back to sleep, woke up again around 6:00 and was thinking about going back to sleep when I remembered that it was Tuesday and trash day. I had to get up in a hurry and get dressed to get the garbage out to the curb to beat the trash men before they came. Sometimes they come early. Once you hear the truck, it is too late. They work very fast and there is no way I can get the trash out before the truck passes by the house once I have heard the truck. This morning I made it. It was cold and nippy and when I returned to the house I was fully awake. So it was off to my lapto0p to do some studying. I had the chihuahua and the cat to keep me company (dog) and to pester me (cat). Today Mary has some shopping to do and I will probably stay at home. She has to get some art supplies from Michaels for her painting. Have a nice day and an interesting day. By the way, what does a hummingbird sound like? You mentioned that you could hear the hummingbird but couldn't see it. I think that the males of the species are the brightly colored ones and the females are brown. Maybe it was a female and so was difficult to see. You might even have a nest in one of your bushes. I have done some searches on the internet for hummingbirds in the Orlando area. Some people have them in their area and some people say that nothing shows up at their hummingbird feeder. Perhaps I should just get an inexpensive hummingbird feeder and see what happens. They are just so fascinating to watch as they hover motionless to drink the nectar. Take care. Lew
At 9:14 AM,
Blueherun said…
How exciting to know you have a hummingbird that lives so close. It would be sooo difficult to see their nest as they are as tiny as a quarter. You should look around to see if you can find it. They use lichens sometimes for their nest.
I remember the time I had a computer guy come over to fix my computer, he was busily working away clearing out files that may have been causing trouble. so I gazed out the window to discover a hummingbird was zipping around the Clereodendron flowers (red). I exclaimed to the computer tech, "Oh there's a hummingbird!" He did't respond and dang it if I didn't have to almost drag his chair over to the window for him to look at it. So rare to see them, I just couldn't let him not enjoy the moment. Did he? I don't know, but at least I tried to make him aware of something special that takes place in nature.
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