Easy and relaxing Sunday
I was expecting bad weather yesterday. The weathermen kept saying tornado watches for other counties like Levy and Flagler. I thought for sure we would be next in line. The morning sun was really struggling to give us a morning sunrise. Mom had made a nice breakfast of pancakes and bacon with cut up strawberries and blueberries defrosted from a bag. Blueberries are so expensive to buy. Mom still buys them because they are good for the eyesight and other things. After the nice breakfast, I caught a nice little nap thinking the weather was getting worse and we would be here all morning. Low and behold mom woke me up to tell me it was time for church. I had to rush to get my church clothes on. The dark clouds were rolling in when we took off for the Catholic church "Sacred Heart" on US 1 in New Smyrna Beach. I made a rush to get in from the car where we parked to the inside of the church. I had my jacket in my arms so I could put it on later. When I got inside the church with my mom we found a seat where I did not want to move. I limited my standing up and sitting down time that goes with the ritual of the church service. I participated in the singing, but the songs were not the kind I knew the words. I listen to the sermon with an open mind. My body language was one of openness and ready to receive during the sermon. However, when it came time for communion where people went up to the alter to receive the body which was a bread host, I did not want to move. Quietly I waited for my mom to return and an usher asked if I would like to receive communion from my bench. I told him "no thanks" with a respectful tone. I did notice a guy who was carrying an oxygen tank going back to his seat after going to communion. As the singing of the final song took place, I felt like I had a full church service and things would be OK. The last song I didn't know the words either. It was like something I haven't heard much before. When mom and I left, the storm had broken up. The streets were wet and the dark clouds were a faded grey color off towards the ocean. When we got home the television set got turned on. I changed my nice pants into some long shorts and bare feet. Television was Turner Classic Movies "Rear Window" with Jimmy Stewart, Grace Kelly and Raymond Burr. I ate leftover green pea soup for lunch. I saw a couple of episodes of Bonanza and had a pork roast with a small sweet potato and small white potato for dinner. I forgot the green vegetable we had for dinner. I just know everything was good and perfect. Today, will be talk to my sister and take out the garbage. I will get to see how cold it is outside. I hope it won't be bone chilling cold.
At 6:38 AM,
Lew said…
We had strong rain storms with lots of wind both yesterday and last night. Yesterday I went out on the front porch and it was "snowing". Not snowflakes but "snowing" leaves from the trees. There were so many leaves coming down with every strong gust that it reminded me of snowflakes of a snowstorm.
I haven't been to church in many years. In my first marriage, my wife and her family were Lutherans. Her father despised Catholics. Naturally, I was personna nongrata. We got married in a Lutheran church in an attempt to placate her father, but it didn't work. So I became a non-practicing Catholic even though my Catholicism remained strong within me. The mass has changed so much from when I was young. The altar has been turned around, the mass is in English, there is singing, and you don't have to eat fish on Fridays anymore. Mary is Catholic and prepares fish on Fridays out of religious respect. The new mass seems so foreign to me now. Also it use to be that you had to go to confession on Saturday to get cleansed of your sins before receiving communion on Sunday. I prefer the old style Latin mass. There was a church in Miami that had the mass in Latin but I found out that it was a renegade church (one which is not a part of the Catholic church). I assume that the priest was either a renegade priest who left the official church or a defrocked priest who was ejected from the church. A priest may be ejected from the church but is still a priest. Once a priest, always a priest. They always maintain the power of administering the sacraments. Even the priest cannot rescind the priesthood. So I keep my faith but it is within me. Mary wears the gold scapular medal that I got her and I wear the gold
St. Christopher's medal that she got me. I am glad that you and your mom go to church. At least the altar boys don't have to recite the mass in Latin any more. Enjoy your cool Monday. Lew
At 6:44 AM,
Lew said…
By the way, the picture made me think of something.
Does Nancy sell seashells by the seashore? And if Nancy did sell seashells by the seashore, how many seashells could Nancy sell?
I know that you have to remember that one. My brothers first wife actually did work in a shell shop selling seashells when they lived in Cocoa Beach. Take care. Lew
At 7:12 AM,
Blueherun said…
That was some scary looking weather yesterday for sure. We got up early to do some grocery shopping at Aldi, only to find out they were closed until 10:00 am. I needed to go early because I was picking someone up at the airport
It did clear up like you said later that morning, we got some heavy rain but it didn't last long.
You have such a beautiful voice, too bad you couldn't sing along so others could appreciate your sweet singing voice in Church. It would have made their day!
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