Watching the Watchmen
My one free day at the movies was to go see the new DC thriller "Watchmen." I thought it would be a science fiction thriller, but I didn't know exactly what to expect. The movie was a Superhero society that believed sex was good, loyalty was bad as far as relationships between men and women in the Superhero realm. Plus, murder was OK as long as it protects the peace of the world. The movie reminds me of Britney Spears new show of a circus and her as the ringmaster. One of the characters Dr. Manhattan is the ringmaster who has maintain control over the nuclear weapons which the President wants to release. The President in the movie is Nixon who has been elected for a third term. The President lookalike doesn't do the trademark peace symbols or state" I am not a crook" to the public. He is like a shallow shell without depth. Dr. Manhattan is cold, logical and becomes detached from his young girlfriend Silk Spectre II ( Laurie Juspeczyk). She is the daughter of the first Silk Spectre which was part of another band of Superheroes that looked more like a Circus troop. The first Silk Spectre realizes her life is going downhill with old age. She was taken advantage of by another Superhero called "The Comedian." The product of the encounter was her daughter Laurie Juspeczyk. What was kept secret from Laurie was "The Comedian" was actually her dad. She never got to speak with him about this discover brought forth by her first love Dr. Manhattan. Dr. Manhattan had realized what a good find Laurie was when he stated " she was a miracle." He brought her back from the planet Mars where this was his escape from human life. He build his own time clock to live in. The watch was a symbol when he was left inside a room which torn apart his molecules. The clock stopped and so did his life. When Dr. Manhattan started living again, he was on the side to save the world. The bad guy Ozymandias who was considered the smartest guy turned into a Supervillian. Ozymandias killed "The Comedian" in a battle of weak verses Superhuman strength. It was sad to see The Comedian fall to his death. However, The Comedian wasn't a lovable character. He was a harden Superhero in Vietnam and brought the war back home to where he lives. Somehow symbols played a role in the movie. "The Comedian" had a pin with a smiley face which was tainted with his blood after he fell to his death at the hands of Ozymandias. Ozymandias ended up bringing world peace because he united America with Russia to get rid of Dr. Manhattan. Dr. Manhattan realized what Ozymandias had done and kind of caved into Ozymandias ideas. This was not accepted by another Superhero who slithers in and out of scenes with deep inside views of the world events. This character was named Rorschach. He has a slip over mask which changes shape. He felt invisible with the mask. However, without the mask he was a Jeffrey Dahmer type of character which killed without a conscious. In the movie, Rorschach ends up getting killed for what he believed in. He thought the human spirit should not compromised his believes. Rorschach explodes in the snow due to Dr. Manhattan. Night owl another superhero witness this event and ends up tearing off his mask. I didn't stay for the ending. I was filled full of popcorn and diet coke. Nature called and I had to answer. However, from what I did see I thought the acting was very powerful. If they had an academy award for Science Fiction this movie would ace the award. Meryl Streep would be apart of the troop if she was into Science Fiction. However, this is an escape from reality. She is not a Sci-Fi Fan and this movie will hit the DVDs before too long. Beware of the steamy sex scenes and enjoy the rest of the show. The smiley face symbol which shows up later in the movie thanks to Dr. Manhattan may not be what you leave with at the end of the movie. Dr. Manhattan was pretty strange looking in his blue outfit. I probably will go if they have a part 2 and part 3 , but I do admit 2 hrs. and 40 minutes seem like a lifetime. Drinking lots of diet coke and eating greasy popcorn didn't help either.
At 7:20 AM,
Lew said…
The movie Watchmen seems to be similar to Hancock with Will Smith in that it is about superheroes with superpowers. I think that you will like the movie Hancock and they probably have it available at the library. Boy, that was really an in-depth movie review. The character analysis is good which is what the movie reviewers seem to do. On the magnified version of the picture I can see a bouy on the left side of the picture. The boat has the arms down so it must be trawling for shrimp with the net. How is the price of shrimp there? Is it low because it is caught locally. Nothing like butterfly coconut shrimp. Yum! And popcorn shrimp. Who would have the patience to take the shell off and de-vein these little tiny shrimp by hand. By the way the seafood festival at Golden Corral is pretty good if there is one in your area. Just remember that the seafood festival doesn't start until after 4:00 pm each day. In addition to the butterfly shrimp they had the popcorn shrimp breaded in southern style, buffalo wing style, mandarin style, and a couple of others that I can't remember the name of. Their salads are good too and I am partial to the neptune salad which has the artificial crab in it which I like so well. I actually prefer the artificial crab (pollock fish) to the real crab. Speaking of Meryl Streep, did you see her performance in the movie Silkwood? She did a pretty good job of portraying Karen Silkwood. That movie also is probably available from the library. Do you have both a DVD player and a VHS video tape player? At the thrift stores you can get all kinds of good movies in the VHS tape for $1.00 each. And I mean really good movies. Try checking out the local Goodwill and Salvation army and any other thrift shops in your area. You can't beat the price. Tomorrow Mary and I are going to go to West Oaks mall for a walk and to get our free cinnamon sugar pretzel from Auntie Anne's pretzel place. Have a great day. Lew
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