We have arrived

The Riders are never early and with just cause. Both mom and I are detail people who like to make sure everything is done and ok. We try to leave under the best of conditions, so we can go back home to the best of conditions. We arrived at my sister's place while Glendon was picking up hay at the local feed store. Her dogs were in the garage. They stayed there until she arrived home to let them out. Neither mom and I knew why they were in the garage until Glendon told mom they were there just to keep cool during the heat of the day. Glendon's new turkey which she named Hillary is very sensitive to the heat. She seems to pant a lot with her beak open and her throat moving at a constant rate of regular air inhaling time. In other words, she was breathing through her mouth. It has been kind of tough with the well water on and off. The pressure in the well would drop and then the water would be gone. However, in an hour a guy is coming to fix the problem and we will be normal again. In other news, I get to hear regular rooster crows before dawn. I got my morning cup of coffee so the day is starting out steady. Hopefully, the pit falls will just go away.
At 6:30 AM,
Lew said…
Those flowers ijn the picture remind me of northern type flowers that we had growing in our backyard garden when I was growing up. I was always fascinated by the Lillies of the Valley bell-shaped flowers that grew only in one spot alongside the house. They must have been perenials because they always came back to the same spot each spring. They looked so fragile and delicate. But in the garden we had the hearty flowers like zinnias and some others that I don't know the name of but were brightly colored like the flowers on the table in the picture. Enjoy your time at "The Good Shepherd Farm". Lew
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