turkey talk

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Settling in for the evening

Last night for dinner mom and I had a little flounder and five scallops. Tonight will be eating center cut round steak Mom says" this will include some mashed potatoes." Last night, we watched the show "American Idol" over the show "Dancing with the Stars." I had to look on the Internet to see who was kicked off of " Dancing with the Stars." Tonight I will find out who gets eliminated from "American Idol." I hope Lew's cat turns out OK after her operation. Mom got new glasses which change color from light to dark depending on the light outdoors. I think these glasses look real cool.


  • At 4:25 PM, Blogger Lew said…

    Scallops are good whether they are really scallops or plugs from stingrays. I can't tell the difference between the two. And they are always good. We like going to Captain D's every once in a while. We are on their e-mail mailing list and so we got coupons for really good deals all the time. Mary and I had some of the corned beef and cabbage and potatoes from last night. I had a piece of blueberry pie for dessert and Mary had a small dish of chocolate mint ice cream. The cat is home and doing fine but sleeping a lot. Before going to the vet she had started to become a finnicky eater and would just pick at her food every now and then. When we arrived home with her Mary gave her some cat food and she gulped it done. I guess that she was hungry from being NPO from the surgery. We put an ace bandage loosely around her abdomen to keep her from trying to bite her stitches. She has an appointment to go back in two weeks to have the stitches removed plus we have to give her a liquid antibiotic with a medicine dropper twice a day until it is gone. We watched the first hour of Dancing with the Stars and then switched over to wrestling. We watched Judge Judy after supper. We haven't seen the program fow a while. By the way, my wimpy young sunflowers are finally getting some backbone and are standing straight up. Take care and have a good evening. Lew


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