Nice weather we are enjoying
I don't see the hummingbird in the backyard . I am figuring the weather has turned too warm for the hummingbird's comfort. Yesterday, there were roofers placing a new roof on the house behind ours. I could see them working while I was hanging out a load of clothes on the clothes line. The most dominate bird at the beach seems to be the Cardinal. I can see the male chirping a happy song. I do miss the tweeddle, tweeddle sound of the little hummingbird which seemed to be my shadow. I like the blue sky and seeing the hibiscus in bloom. We have the hibiscus in yellow, red and orange colors. I decided on this bird because he looks like a classy bird. I hope mom and I will go out on more evening adventures to get more picture shots to add to the collection.
At 6:12 AM,
Lew said…
Are the honeysuckle plants still blooming? If there is no longer a food source in the yard maybe the hummingbirds go elsewhere. Plus I read at a hummingbird site on the internet that they migrate. It is hard to believe that these little birds could fly far but that is what the site said. Maybe try a hummingbird feeder if there are no longer any flowers blooming. We have cardinals around the house and they are so red. But they dart around among the bushes and seem to like to hide in the bushes. We had lots of the same birds as in the picture walking and flying around Animal Kingdom. What impressed me is how delicate the feathers are that stick out on their chest. You can see that in the picture that you took. They were like pigeons in a sense because they would hang out where the people eat to beg for bits of food. Sometimes when I would see these birds at Animal Kingdom, I would think how lucky I was to live and work in a place where these beautiful birds are so common and taken for granted. But I for one never took them for granted, they were just too nice to look at. I think back to my home town in New York and the big bird attraction there with birds was the robins returning each spring after their winter migration south. I would always look in earnest for the first robin which meant the return of spring. To me their chest were orange which made them easy to spot. And when I would finally spot one I would sing a few lines of the robin song. You know, "when the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin along......". I like the song because it was such a happy and upbeat song. Yesterday, I was talking to Mary about the British actor Terrence Stamp and how I always wanted to see the movie The Limey which he starred in. I went to the library online and ordered it for home delivery because none of the local branches carry it. I have been a fan of Terrence Stamp ever since I saw him in the movie Billy Budd. By the way, Peter Usitnov was great in that picture as a sea captain. Take care and have a nice day. Lew
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