What is on your dinner menu?
It seems like a nice day along the beach. I didn't have my train of thought earlier , but it is sort of happening now. Mom and I got on the subject matter of cakes. I know Lew likes red velvet cake. I think of Lew, when I go to Golden Corral and see their big fancy red velvet cake. Mom wants to make a carrot cake for my sister's birthday. My sister always kind of like carrot cake. Both mom and I love chocolate cakes or brownies or ice cream. I like pies like key lime and pecan. Mom cooked scallops in garlic butter last night that was so good and tasty. We were talking about what to have this evening for dinner. Mom said" we have cauliflower." I guess that would be good with some cheese on top. We also talked about a chef salad with hard boiled eggs and cut up pieces of turkey.
At 4:00 PM,
Lew said…
It was a nice day today. It was cool and I did yard work most of the day. Around 3:00 it started to heat up some and so I quit. I did a lot of raking of leaves and I was also uprooting these vines that grow along the ground that make me trip. When I worked in Sanford and would have to do a site evaluation where a house was going to be built but the area was still wooded, I would have to trek back through the woods with my equipment and sometimes I would trip on these vines that grow along the ground and are very strong and have large spines. The spines would cut into my ankles. So now I keep the yard clear of vines. I have had my share of tripping. Mary made breaded baked chicken legs for supper last night. She saved the largest leg for lunch today and made two chicken sandwiches from the chicken on the drumstick. Speaking of drumsticks, do you remember the ice cream cones of the same name? I still like them and on occassion have one. I usually get them at the gas station convenience marts. But soft serve ice cream in the dark sugar cones is good too. On occassion Mary and I will stop in and get a couple of chocolate cones. It is usually done on the spur of the moment. When we are driving around Mary will ask me if I want to stop at Twistee Freeze for a soft-serve chocolate cone. Of course I readily agree. I like their buildings because they look like giant ice cream cones. Tonight she made a stew of meat chunks in a burgandy wine sauce over rice. Our bread was that new cranberry raisin cinnamon swirl bread. Everything was good. Lemon pudding with a dollop of whip cream for dessert. And yes, I do like red velvet cake also and I have it every time I go to Golden Corral. Sometimes they don't have it, but if they do I usually have a couple of generous slices. At home I sometimes will have a red velvet bingle which is essentially a twinkee made out of red velvet cake. And the best part of carrot cake is that cream cheese frosting, so rich. Key lime pies are good and I like them but they are so rich and tart that I have to eat small pieces. Sinfully decadent. When I worked at Supersaver grocery store, I would usually get the key lime yogurt for my break. Many times when I go to Walmart by myself I will get one of their small individual pies for 50 cents and eat it in their little Subway concession within the store. The pies are right there as you enter the store. I always get the same kind, pecan. It is so sweet and good. Tomorrow we are going to West Oaks mall for the movies and will be having lunch at the food court there. I think that I will try the lemon chicken which is like sweet and sour chicken but lemon flavored. It is quite good. Was the cheese on top of your cauliflower Cheese Whiz? I remember when I was young and the Cheeze Whiz first came out. I really liked it and couldn't seem to get enough of it. Well, I guess that I have covered the food venue enough. Are you and your mom going to Williston for your sisters birthday? You and your mom sure seem to travel a lot lately, what with Lillian's retirement and then Lillian's wedding. Gotta go. Time for Mary and I to do an online crossword puzzle. Take care. Lew
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