Looking at old pictures

This is a graduation picture of my Grandmother, who was named Glendora. She died at a very early age ,so I never got to meet her. My mom says she was a book reader. She also had a German background. I don't have great extended histories about people from my family tree. It is very sketchy. However, I do like looking at old pictures. I also think scanning old pictures is a great way to preserve the memories. I did scan one which had worn kind of bad. It was me as a small child at Disney with my then best friend Karen. She had short snow white blond curls. I was envious because my hair was so straight. However, her hair turned yellow with age. She married and is living in Georgia with three grown kids. Do you see in the picture any resemblance to my mom?
At 6:01 AM,
Lew said…
The eyes and especially the lips resemble you mom's. But the eyes. In the picture the eyes look dark, but maybe that is because it is a black and white picture. I thought that you mom's eyes were green. I agree with having the family history. I think that your mom should right down here memories. She has a terrific flair for writing and it would be a great gift for you and Glendon. She could write it as a book with each chapter being a particular relative or an incident or phase of her life. I really believe that it is important for her to do this. She could write it on the computer and incorporate the scanned pictures into it. Why not post that photo of yourself at Disney? Have a soggy and wet day because the weatherman says that is the way that it is going to be. Lew;plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll; The chihuahua stepped on the keyboard.
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