Reflections of the past year

Today would have been my Aunt Jean's birthday if she didn't pass away the day after Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to a brand new year and new adventures. There were good people that passed away this year James Brown, Peter Boyle, Former President Gerald Ford. There is only two more days this year and then it changes to 2007. I see the small stuff around here like the windows to be washed, dinner to cook, clothes to wash, tv to watch and other small chores that keep me going. I love the sunset at the beach and the sea fog rolling in and taking over. I love to drink a glass of wine at night and anticipate eating fried flounder. The Christmas decorations won't come down until after the new year. I like catching the after the Christmas sales at CVS and Walgreens. My sister has the garden club to keep her busy. I enjoy the small things, because I know work will bring a lot of big projects.