Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I took my first Amoxicillan last night and I am looking forward to taking the second one this morning. The deep cough and loss of voice has robbed me of the beautiful pleasures of nice weather and a good night sleep. I am hoping the Amoxicillan will let me sleep more and restore me back to a normal state of being. Last night's dinner was chicken noodle soup which I needed to make a midnight snack after being attack with lots of coughing. Something to warm up my insides is very soothing to me. This is why I like my coffee a whole lot in the morning.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Saturday at home
I can at least talk today, but I still have the congestion. I need to drink hot tea, take a hot shower and use lots of Vicks. I am drinking cold lemon water right now. I did make a short trip to Publix, but I didn't go visit the ocean. I just didn't feel well enough to take this adventure. I think the falcon is younger than the ones I saw before. This bird looks like he enjoys being out in the morning when the sunlight first starts to shine. The claws look very sharp and he looks like he is ready to catch something to eat. Dinner was fried Mahi,squash and salad.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Fast evening
Mom took me to see the beach on the North entrance. I have lost my voice because of my ailment. I am drinking lemon water now, but I have had hot tea. Plus, orange juice. I have devoured cough drops. I haven't had chicken soup yet. There was lots of people out going to the bars and dinner places. There was a blond girl who looked about college age with three other friends taking her own picture. Dinner was fish tonight. I also had a salad and some sugar free cookies afterwards.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Stuck with a head cold
I have been fighting the classic cold symptoms. Scratchy throat, chills, and the feeling of being drained have taken over my day. I had leftover spaghetti for lunch and probably leftover pork for dinner. The ocean was very calm yesterday. You can see it in the picture. The pelicans were diving for fish. I did see a dolphin break surface a couple of times. It was a peaceful day. Maybe tomorrow I will feel better.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday Adventure
Dinner was spaghetti with lots of mushrooms. The perfect ending to a perfect day. The sky has been blue and the ocean seemed endless. I went down to 27Th. Avenue. This entrance has a small park and a walkway next to the shoreline. I fed leftover popcorn and bread to the seagulls until it was gone. I brought out my camera from the car and looked for boats to take a picture. However, it was hard to find one. One speed boat did come down the coast and turned around to come back. When it made a return trip, I went on to the store.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sunday dinner
Dinner was a pork roast with half a potato, mixed vegetables, and biscuits. It rained today, so I stayed inside watching old movies. There was Claudette Colbert who was very classy in her dresses. Tomorrow, the weather should be better. Tonight is Barney Miller and I just got done seeing Bob Newhart. This roast will make nice leftover sandwiches. We got the chips to go with the meal. It will be something good to eat.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Dealing with the bill
Do you use the term "Squawking like a chicken" loosely, mildly or firmly referring to when things don't go the way you plan? Mom and I got an electric shocker when we found out the electric bill was over four hundred dollars. Whoa!!, big bill can not be our house. It isn't even Passover, so the bill can not pass over us. Now, the break down of what is spent on what. There is the electric part, water part, water waste part, and the other part. The electric was over three hundred, water roughly 23 dollars and waste water roughly 45 dollars and other 38 dollars. It adds up and this is not including taxes. Does this include a Senior Citizen discount? I did not see one. Will this bill go down in the future? I would hope so, but I wonder about some of the charges like the waste water. Those with septic tanks would not be charged this fee. Our neighbors also have bills higher than normal. I know the electric was high because the weather was cold and we tried to stay warm. We also have had a mold problem because of the dampness in the air. Despite the bill, it is still good to be home where it is very quiet.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Looking for Spring
The weather has been cold and damp this evening. Happy St. Patrick's day to everyone who has Irish blood or wants to be Irish. I will even include those who know good Irish jokes. Saturday is suppose to be the start of spring. Have you seen any new flowers blooming? I did see a robin over at the beach. Dinner tonight was salmon that was Gorton's. Plus, some cauliflower , salad and a side of strawberries. The strawberries were real fresh. They had the strawberry smell and sweet taste. I hope when the weather warms up there will be more sailboats like this one out on lake Atlantic.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Trip home
I am back home from my sister's place. Glendon made a chocolate cake for my mom's birthday. I played with Glendon's new baby chicks. The cake was very good and the chicks were lots of fun. My mom had a great time at my sister's for her birthday. She didn't get to see the Marjorie kinnan Rawlings original papers at the University of Florida. This is a waitress at the restaurant Marie's in Ocala. I think her name is Allison, but I am not sure. I stored it in my memory,but with time the memory got less. Every waitress there was nice, friendly and helpful. The food was good and mom and I had a great time for lunch. Dinner at home this evening was Hungryman turkey.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Today is a traveling day
Mom and I are going to my sister's house today and will not return until late Tuesday. Our neighbor is keeping an eye on our place when we travel and we do the same she travels. The weather should be good for traveling. We had two days of rain and before I fell asleep last night, I heard it raining outside. I planted some flowers outside, so they would have a start when we got back from our trip. I even planted some sunflowers, so I would be way ahead of my fellow e-blog writer Lew. This is a picture of the cell phone tower in Ocoee right across the street from where my eye doctor is located. I thought the picture was interesting. Plus, I took another one of the top and discovered there is a bird's nest up there.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Adventure to Ocoee
Tomorrow, mom and I head to Ocoee which is pretty close to Orlando. We will be eating Chinese after mom and I visit the eye doctor. We might meet someone that my mom use to work with. After eating Chinese, we go to the tax guy to get our taxes straighten out for the year. Our whole day will be used up in our trip to Ocoee. This is the weekend where the time changes back to daylight savings time. I will enjoy the last of the standard time minutes ,until it changes,
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Sunday night
"Polyanna" was a cool movie to see. Agnes Moorehead and Elizabeth Montgomery were both characters in the movie. I reconized them from "Bewitched." The Oscars" are on tonight. I will watch some of it, but not all. I am spending my time on the computer. Dinner was chicken from Publix. Mom had Chicken Parmesian and I had the fried chicken. The two sides I got for both mom and I are macaroni and cheese. Plus, I got potato wedges.
Friday, March 05, 2010
Starting the weekend
Dinner was spaghetti, salad and cut up peaches. It was really good. I didn't have any garlic bread, but I made due with the Arnold bread that was here. Tomorrow,dinner will be cube steak and I hope mashed potatoes. The birds seemed to sing way off in the distance. I think maybe the cold weather keeps them from being active around here. I hope maybe when the warmer weather returns, so will the falcon. The birds like the weather cozy. They don't like the weather to be too warm or too cold. I am also hoping the warmer weather will bring the flowers back and turn our burned out grass back to a healthy green color.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Fish for dinner
Today is sunny and bright. Mom and I went to the Flagler entrance park towards dusk. The sun was almost completely gone. There was only a small orange line strung out across the Western sky. There were a few pelicans gliding along the waves which were crashing onto the shore. Dinner was fried cod fish from Publix. I did the frying, but I wasn't successful at holding the batter together on the fish. I was quick and did not add an egg batter which would have made the coating hold together better. Despite my failure, the fish still turned out good. The fish cooking was finished up in the microwave which made the fish more firm.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Middle of the week
The weather should be cool this morning. The wind sure blew yesterday and last night. The house is pretty cozy inside. Last night mom and I had frozen dinners, I got the beef stroganoff and I gave mom the Healthy choice beef tips. The one she got upset her stomach and mine didn't bother me at all. I gave her some Pepto Bismol tablets and that seem to clear it up. Glendon, my sister, introduced oatmeal to the little chickens. She said at first they did not know what to think of it. However, one started to eat and make a game of it with the other chickens. They all got involved.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Tuesday is here
Jake (The Bachelor) chose Vienna. Jake was smitten with Vienna ;ever since, the bungee jumping experience when Jake and Vienna took the plunge. They shared their first kiss bouncing up and down under a bridge. The other girl "Tinnily" got to be Jake's friend for live. Jake and Vienna are moved in together in Dallas. There had been no wedding date set. Jake insisted Vienna move in with him right away. I figured out the difference between the two women. One was a controller and the other one liked to be controlled. Jake went for Vienna because she liked to be controlled. This is a good picture of my mom and my sister on the beach in the evening. You can see the sunset glow on both my mom and sister. Dinner last night was leftovers. I don't know what we will eat tonight. I do know stormy skies are coming this morning because this is what the weathermen are saying.
Monday, March 01, 2010
Monday the first day of March
Jake (The Bachelor) decides. whom he will pick for his wife tonight. I like seeing the final show because it releases me from seeing any other episode for awhile. It brings closure to a journey he took filled with wrong choices he made. This is my opinion because I favor the girls more than( The Bachelor). Today is the first day of March and I still haven't tackled the taxes yet. Today is also garbage day. Rain comes tomorrow and maybe the water will help restore our yard. I don't know what is for dinner, but lunch will be leftover pork or steak, used as sandwiches. I get to hear about my sister Glendon's baby chicken adventures. Baby chickens are a lot of work, to raise. She has to clean their box everyday. Plus, give them fresh water and food. Plus, talk to them and pick them up. This stimulates the baby chickens to rely on her as their chicken mama. When they get old enough, out to the big chicken house they will go. They will join the other egg layers in a daily production of egg laying.