Sympathy for California
Are other states sending firefighters to help California out with their fires? I would think there would be a lot of people leaving California for some place less affected by the weather. I was told by my Uncle Perry that Squim, Washington was the best place to live. The temperature does not change much and there isn't usually anything happening like a hurricane or earthquake. My Uncle Perry had a house in Squim, but he was in poor health. When he passed away, I don't know if the property got sold or not. When we had bad fires in Florida, we had help come from other states. I know a lot of Floridians including me were grateful to have the help and the people from other states were very hard workers at ending the fires.
At 12:57 AM,
Say said…
At 6:22 AM,
Lew said…
In the picture I see that the guy drove his car right on down onto the beach. That must be very convenient because he doesn't have to carry the beach stuff from a parking lot to the beach. I remember carrying the large ice chests on my shoulder from the parking lot for a long distance to the beach. It wasn't much fun. And then everything had to be carried back when leaving the beach. Driving the car down to your beach spot seems to be much better. I see the back end of the car right where he is sitting. Sort of like a tail gate party. But if he is waiting for the tide to come in and have waves lapping at his feet, I think that he has a long wait. It does look to be very leisurely and relaxing though. When I lived in California, we had these brushfires every summer. They always seem to occur, sometimes worse than other times. Although the houses are covered by insurance, I am sure that there are belongings in the house that can't be replaced because of sentimental value, like a photo album, or a bowling trophy or a plaque from work for outstanding performance. My mom always dreamed of moving to Seattle because of the climate. She talked of it quite often but unfortunately she never got to do it. But it was her dream. Have a nice day and watch Ice Road Truckers on tv to keep cool. Lew
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