What is going on?
The light is on across the street under the carport, but it looks very empty. The house looks abandoned. I can only hope for new renters that can afford the thousand dollars it cost to rent there. Someone maybe with kids that would be lively and brighten up the street. Someone that would go trick or treating on October 31 when the rest go to parties. I just want to see some life and character generated from the house. Today is garbage day and maybe Fall. There was a rumor saying Summer was over. The kids have all gone back to school. Could this be true? I hope I can feel a little Fall in the air. This would be nice for a change.
At 6:13 AM,
Lew said…
For me summer unofficially ends on September 1. But that doesn't mean that all of summers problems are behind us. September is suppose to be the really bad month for hurricanes. A time when I am constantly watching the weather channel for updates of an existing storm. I also watch the storms on the government weather satellite on-line on the computer. Trick or Treat? My daughter would go out on Halloween with a group. She would come back with her back full of assorted candies. I would tell her that she would have to wait until morning to eat her candies. After she went to bed I discarded all of the candies that she had collected and replaced them with an assortment of candies that I had purchased. She never knew what I had done and she never got to eat any of the candy which she had collected. I was worried about tampering of the candy. At the time, people were doing terrible things to the candy which I won't describe here. I figured that it was better to be safe than sorry. Paranoid? No, just a very protective parent. Have a popsicle and get cool. Lew
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