The big waves are coming
The weatherman has promised some big waves this weekend due to Hurricane Bill. I will want to go down to the shoreline and check to see, if I can see big waves. This will be my entertainment for the weekend. These pigeons know the car from any other cars. They swarm around it before the car gets parked. The man and women come with lots of bird feed which the pigeons love to eat. It is a meal they expect to get from these people. Glendon, my sister goes back to work today. She only puts in a half a day on Friday. Saturday and Sunday are full days of work. Mom is thinking about getting pork chops. It may end up as dinner. I made a big bunch of tapioca last night and put Agave sweetener in it. I used the minute tapioca and it turned out pretty good.
At 6:42 AM,
Lew said…
It almost looks like a scene from the Alfred Hitchcock movie The Birds with all those pigeons. But look at the size of the bucket that the woman is holding. No wonder the pigeons love her so much. Tammy the cat is the same way. When she is hungry at meal time she is so affectionate. She rubs up against our legs to show affection. But once she has eaten, well then it is another story. The chihuahua Duke is the same way. Each day around 4:00 pm he wants to play. He just won't leave me alone. I know what he really wants and that is food. Once he has eaten he no longer wants to play and goes and lays down and goes to sleep. No pork chops tonight for us. It is Friday and that means fish. But Mary got down some pork chops from the freezer this morning for Saturday night for supper. Yesterday we went to Winn Dixie and got $ 50 worth of groceries so we could use our $ 10 off coupon. It wasn't hard to get to $ 50 worth because we got mostly meats. Some of the meats that we got were "buy one and get one free". What a deal. We ended up saving $ 20 all total. We are not going to go see the preview of the movie Avatar. It is only selected scenes and not the whole movie. And I know that the crowds at the theater will be big. Do you put a little vanilla extract into your tapioca? Have you ever eaten large pearl tapioca? Enjoy your Friday night pork chops (tsk, tsk). LOL. Have a good day and enjoy the large waves at the beach which is what they are predicting on the weather news. Lew
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