Advice to a neighbor
The surf is bigger do to the Hurricane Bill and Tropical Anna whatever status she ends up. Our state was promised some rain out of Anna today. Yesterday it was the people inside the state which received the rain. The coastal people like me did not receive any rain. Last night a neighbor called with a problem I could not help her. Her daughter discovered a mouse running around her apartment room in back of the house. This lady said they thought they could trap the mouse under the hot tub in the back. Last I heard, a future son in law was coming to the rescue from Edgewater. This incident happened after 10 at night. I don't know the results of the outcome and I don't know what advice I would give her. I had no mouse traps like she requested. Plus, mom knew we didn't have any mouse traps. I mildly suggested poisoning some cheese. However, I am sure Wayne the guy from Edgewater will come up with a creative solution. What would you have suggest?
At 10:14 AM,
Lew said…
Please go to my blog to see a solution to the mice problem. Big waves from the hurricane reminds me of a time when I was young and foolish. It was in Miami in the very early 60's. A hurricane was approaching. I was living with my parents in Miami. I drove down to the ocean to look at the water. I was parked on something similar to a wide dirt filled jetty. I got out of my car, a 1955 Mercury Monclair, and had my rain coat on. It was a real raincoat made out of fabric, not one of those cheap plastic things that they make now-days. I decided to try something. I wondered if I jumped up real high in the air and opened up my raincoat like a sail if the wind would move me. Well, the wind did move me by about 8 feet in a horizontal direction. I did this a number of times, enjoying it each time more than the previous time. I landed square on my feet every time and never fell but did stumble a little. I decided not to push my luck and so ended my little adventure of sailing on the wind with a raincoat. As I said, it was kind of a dumb thing to do what with a hurricane about to make landfall but then I was young and I didn't think about the dangers, only the fun part. Lew
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