turkey talk

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday trip to Osteen

Yesterday, mom and I went to Osteen on a honey run. We needed to refill our honey supplies. However, we only came back with three jars of honey. I now know how Yogi Bear must feel when he doesn't have a good supply of honey. We stopped at a gas station Circle K in Osteen which seemed to have reasonable price for gas. We claimed our spot which was pump number five. The place got very diverse first with African American young women and men with the rap music booming from their radios. Then comes a big herd of motorcycles. It was like something out of the movie "Easy Rider." The roar of the motorcycle engine sounded like an angry mosquito with a lot together. They intimidated the African American youth by piling their angry motorcycles next to their rap music and cool Honda street cars. Some of the riders settled on the side until the regular traffic got out of the way. I noticed they were wearing dark vest with the Logo "Latin American Motorcycle Association." This was the club for Latin Americans. The club took over the gas station and everyone else was happy to leave. When mom and I picked up the honey from the house just around the corner, we could still hear the roar of the motorcycle engines. After we picked up the honey, we went on to the local vegetable stand where I could get some big giant onions. Upon our arrival, the girl watching the stand was stretched out across the table with her ipod planted in her ears. She had the fan blowing and it took her a few minutes to realize she had company. This was a golden opportunity for a picture which I did not bring the camera because the weather was way too hot. Mom and I picked up a few vegetables and came home.


  • At 3:29 PM, Blogger Lew said…

    It looks like this tortoise has been through a battle zone. His shell has pock-marks in it like the buildings in Iraq with chunks missing from the walls of the houses due to gunfire. The tortoise must live in a hole because I see the sand on top of his shell. We had a tortoise for quite a while in the backyard here but hurricane Charley did him in. What an adventure you had at the gas station. I bet you and your mom were glad to get out of there. Have you ever tried orange blossom honey? I like the flavor of it over clover or wild honey. Have a nice evening and enjoy your honey. Lew


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