Good Appetite
The new Julia Child's movie which stars Meryl Streep is not going to win an academy award, although it is drawing in lots of crowds. Meryl Streep has lots of fans, but she is still an actress. If the story line is flat, no actress is going to change the poor outcome of the production. Julie the young worker challenges herself to cook so many recipes out of the Julia Child's cookbook in so many days. The story line bounces back to when Julia and her husband Paul lived in France. Julia went to cooking school and tackled translating French cooking recipes into recipes an American housewife could cook for her husband. The other plot is Jule working in a dead end job does something she really loves to do and that is to cook. She writes a blog about her challenges with the Julia Child's recipes. There was one graphic part which I thought could have been kept out of the movie. This was when Julie was watching with her husband an imitator of Julia cut her finger while trying to fix chicken and it bled all over the place. This was suppose to be a spoof, but I thought it was in poor taste.
At 4:13 PM,
Lew said…
I saw a review of the Julia Child's movie in the paper and they panned it and gave it only one star which is not good. The only cookbooks that I am familiar with are the Betty Crocker cookbooks which I think are pretty good. If only I could get things to turm out like the picture in the cookbook. But fortunately, Mary does the cooking now and she is very good at it and creative in trying new dishes Tonight we had pork roast with mashed potatoes. But Mary fried up some onions and red sweet pepper and put them on top of the mashed potatoes which was a nice twist and quite tasty. For dessert we had sugar free jello with some whip cream on top. A good meal and very filling. One of the cooking shows that I use to really like was Cookin' Cheap. It isn't on anymore. What this show did was to make inexpensive and simple meals. Instead of the gourmet type dishes, they might devote a show to making different kinds of sandwiches like tuna fish, or egg salad, or even peanut butter and jelly. They were really quite humorous and quite personable also. Do you think that the Galloping Gourmet was a male version of the Julia Childs show? He made a lot of British recipes. Well, if worse comes to worse as they say, there is always Andrew Zimmer for ideas. LOL. Take care. Lew
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