Changing Times
I couldn't resist a close up of yesterday's tiki guy picture. Today Mom and I venture to Orlando to go see the eye doctor in Ocoee. I don't know where we will have lunch yet, but I hope it is some place good. I like to identify people now that were in the old television series. There were two the other day I reconized from "Gunsmoke." Will Geer who was the Grandpa on the "Waltons." Rober Pine who was the Sergent on the old series "Chip." Plus, he was Zack's dad in one episode of "Saved by the Bell." Sandra Bullock from the movie "The Proposal" was the first and only "Bionic Girl." I saw Karen Grassle on Gunsmoke who was the mom on "Little House on the Parie." She now does commercials on redesigned bathtubs. Lindsay Wagner the "Bionic Women" does commercials on the sleep number bed. Lee Major's does commercials on his Bionic hearing aid. My mom worked with a lady whose husband was a body guard for Lee Majors. I wonder where Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, and Justin Timberlake will end up in twenty years. Sometimes change can be interesting.
At 7:25 AM,
Lew said…
The picture reminds of the the Tiki Room attraction at Disney's Magical Kingdom. It was a lavish animatronics polynesian style show. It was pretty popular and I always went to it.
I like to read about the old shows and actors also. My favorite place for this is Wikepedia because they have so much information and photographs. It is nice to read about the person behind the television and movie characters. I spend hours on that site looking at the story behind favorite movies and television shows. Also books. Wikepedia is where I found out about the book the background of the book Alas, Babylon and its author. Tomorrow is Saturday and that means big breakfast day of fried eggs, bacon, toast with butter and jelly, and undoubtedly a host of other things. Have a pleasant day during these summer doldrums. Lew
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