Leaning towards the fall weather
Last night belonged to "Andy Griffith." Opie singing "Old man Tucker" to Mr. Darling. He was a cute kid. Unfortunately, he grew up like so many other cute kids. I heard a friend of my mom talk about her Grand kids how much they have grown. The youngest is six and the oldest is twelve. The weather in Indiana is only in the 80's. I guess that beats in the 90's and buggy. I for one will be glad to see the kids go back to school and clear some of the traffic off the beaches. School takes care of the kids so many hours of the day and hopefully the kids come home educated. Maybe the weather will get a tiny bit cooler when the kids are in school. I could only hope.
At 6:06 AM,
Lew said…
A nice picture because the sailboat is small. Just a little run-about which is probably a lot of fun. Large boats are such a pain to get in and out of the water and all of the upkeep. Something like this you can just have fun with on short trips. I can't tell for sure whether or not the sailboat is going to sail under the bridge. However, I do like the houseboats because they are stable and they stay in the water at a dock somewhere. What a shame it was to let that one houseboat sink.
Today is August 3. Ony 28 more days until Spetember 1. Have you had your glass of limeade yet? Take care. Lew
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