Thursday progressing ahead
Mom made a shrimp salad for dinner last night. Plus, we had leftover little hot dogs reheated in the microwave. The shrimp were the little tiny shrimp. I had also got some salsa which I was dipping the shrimp in. The salad had Marie's ranch dressing. Plus, there were some croutons in the salad. We did get some rain and lightening last night. I felt so tucked away seeing the storms come and me in my house where I have shelter away from the rain and can almost totally cut out any lightening shining into the house. I wonder where the creatures like the raccoons go in a rain storm? Where do they hide out until it is over? I think of the raccoons because they are the ones trying to get into our garbage cans at night. We have to make sure the cans are securely tied and not to take the garbage to the curb for pickup before daylight.
At 6:24 AM,
Lew said…
With all of the shrimp boats in your area, I wonder if the shrimp for the salad were caught locally. Remember Bubba Gump shrimp? It was based on the movie Foresst Gump. In the movie the company was named after Forrest Gump and his military buddy Bubba. When I lived in Miami, there was an actual line of frozen fish and shrimp in the frozen food section of the grocery stores that was called Forrest Gump. But it didn't seem to last too long once the novelty wore off. But you can still buy the Popeye brand of canned spinach in the grocery stores with Popeye's picture on the can's label. And actually, the spinach is pretty good. Were the little tiny shrimp what they call popcorn shrimp? Like popcorn, you eat them by the handful. I cannot imagine how labor intesive it must be to remove the shells from those tiny little shrimp and to devein them. A lot of work performed by someone, somewhere. Ranch dressing is good on salads. That is what they use on the salds at Cicci's pizza and I like it. It is just a tossed salad with a coating of the ranch dressing stirred all through it. Poor racoons. Get wet when it rains and have to eat garbage. Yuk. You would think that the humans would put out a nice steak every once in a while for them to eat. Actually racoons are very good at finding dry, warm sleeping accomodations. Sometimes they get into people's attics. I have seen that on the program verminators. The program is back on television on the Discovery channel on Wednesday nights at 10:00 pm. It is not for the squemish or faint-of-heart. But I like your description about the rain. When I was a child I use to like to curl up on the back seat of my dad's car and watch the rain run down the windows. The rain itself was almost always cold and the felt seats of the early 1950's car always felt so warm. I always felt cozy. I would stay there until the atorm was over. Life as a child was pleasant. And you have a pleasant day also. Lew
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