Thursday on the steps to the weekend
Today is drink the coffee, get the garbage out to the curb before 8 this morning. Also, get the recyclables to the curb. Tonight's dinner will probably be hamburger. Last nights dinner was cube steak with mashed potatoes and a salad. I also fixed cold tuna and sea shell macaroni to enjoy for lunches. I watched Obams's health care speech last night. I didn't see it all the way through. I hope it works out for him. I still would like to see more creation of jobs. Both mom and I agree the job market in Volusia County is pretty poor. I don't see much better for Orange County at the present time with the website" My Florida." This is also the time for political unrest with the Governor's race. Plus, the current Governor is running for the Senate. Maybe, in time things will work out. This is called hope.
At 3:48 PM,
Lew said…
Hamburger is good. Especially with lots and lots of ketchup, some relish, a little Miracle Whip mayo, and a slice of raw onion. Just like a Burger King whopper. How did you like the flavor of the cube steak? Mary knows that I like cube steak because of its flavor even if it is a little grissly. We went shopping at WalMart yesterday and she got a package of cube steak. Tonight we had baked chicken wings. And these wings were large and two of them made for a really big meal. Mary also baked some chicken thighs that were heavily seasoned by the grocery store. The seasoning made the chicken thighs bright red. Both the chicken wings and thighs were excellent. Mary doesn't like chicken wings and so they were for me and she ate the chicken thighs. I tried two different sauces. On one wing I put barbeque sauce and on the other wing I put Chinese sweet and sour sauce. There is enough left over pf both the wings and thighs for two more meals. It is good to cook extra when baking so that you don't have to heat up the oven real hot again. Mary also made a pasta salad with some spirelli pasta which was in the Suddenly Pasta mix. Spirelli is the pasta that looks like twists or cork-screws and there were white and green ones. It was served cold and was quite good. Sugar free jello with mixed fruit in it and whipped cream on top was for dessert. That was our culinary delights. It was good and of course I ate heartily. Here's hoping that you enjoyed your hamburger. Lew
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