This is the day after Monday
We had rain and no shuttle flight. The weather held off the shuttle for the second time. I think NASA will retry on Wednesday verses today. It just seems the wrong time of evening to launch the shuttle. Dinner last night was stuffed bell peppers. Today, I am not sure, but we have some frozen Tilapia which is suppose to be good eating according to my sister. We will just have to cook it up and find out. It looks as if mom and I will be going to Halifax this afternoon in Daytona for a consultation about a procedure to help get my medical condition under control. This is a picture I took in the morning. I don't know if he ever found anything.
At 4:59 AM,
Lew said…
High Hopes. Remember the song from a very long time ago? That is what this picture seems to say. The man is ever hopeful of finding a Spanish gold coin or maybe a diamond ring or two in the sand. As he walks along the beach he probably dreams of riches and that big lucky strike. Like Mel Fisher of treasure hunting fame he probably keeps saying "Today is the day". And who knows, today might just be the day for him. For treasure seekers, that pot-o-gold may be just a few steps away. I always look at the pictures in detail because they always tell a story. I looked at the picture in the magnified mode and you caught a wave that was just breaking but you can't quite see the top of it and so it looks for all the worlad like a tsunami tidal wave. A neat effect. Good luck on your doctor visit and I hope that everything goes well for you. Your sister is right, Talapia is a good fish. It is a sweet fish and originally came from Asia as I understand. Tater tots go real good with Talapia. Actually, tater tots with lots of ketchup on them go real good with Talapia. Take care and enjoy your supper. Lew
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