The tranfusion is over
I received 2 units of blood yesterday in my blood transfusion process at the local Bert Fish Hospital. My blood type is A positive. However, the hospital had to do a cross check before I could be approved for the transfusions. This meant wearing a paper wrist band overnight that seemed to make my skin itch . The vial they took the night before the transfusion was like at four in the evening when everyone including the lab tech was almost out the door and it seemed like the hospital was shutting down. Fortunately, this was done and the next day, I showed up at 7:30 a.m. in time to have a buttermilk pancake breakfast. The leftover paperwork was done in the room. I got to drink additional coffee besides what I had at home. The pancakes came with some sausage links which were kind of hot and spicy. However, I had orange juice to wash it down. I took my final blood pressure and water pill early. The nurse,Terri, kept saying the transfusion had to be started within the next 15 minutes. She injected the needle into my left hand and the tip went into my wrist area. It hurt while it was being done, but once it was in place the hurt was gone. This is a picture of my Primary doctor "Dr. Herdel." It was his sister- in- law "Chris the receptionist" who relayed the news my blood count was 5.3 and I needed to have a two unit transfusion. This process seemed to work out well. Each unit ran about 2 and a half hours while I stayed connected to the blood transfusion machine. I was done with the process at a quarter to two in the afternoon. All my television watching was over at the hospital. I did get a lunch of a hamburger with some fries, ice tea with Sweet and Low and some pineapple chunks. The hamburger was good, but it had no onions. They just don't seem to serve onions with their meals. I only briefly saw my doctor fly through the lower hallway. Some lady yelled out " Hi Dr. Herdel." I wouldn't have looked twice if she didn't say that. There was no one else there I recognized, but I feel like I made two new friends with the two nurses who took care of me during my blood transfusion process.
At 4:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, sounds like you had a bad time. Is all this due to your bleeding fibroids? Sounds like they fed you fairly well to make up for the misery of the needle. I don't like needles either and I always yell when they first stick me. Your doctor looks like a nice doctor. Anyway hopefully this is the last of the transfusions. Take care. Mary
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