Reflections of childhood
The idiot of the year award should go to the boyfriend of the mother in Sumter County that brought over a python in a cage around a two year old little girl. The snake got loose and killed the little girl. The boyfriend was too late at chopping the snake up to get the snake off the little girl. A tragedy that should have never occurred. This was the first story on the noon news. How could a mother allow the boyfriend to bring such a monster into the life of her child? It sounds like the mother was more influenced by the boyfriend than the welfare of the child. Fortunately, I enjoyed other things growing like dogs, cats, ponies, chickens and playing with other kids. I rode my bike with other kids to 7-11. I had sword fights with sticks against other kids. It was just like something out of the swash buckling days of the "Three Musketeers." We defended our honor. Me and the neighbor kids against the kids across the street. No one ever got seriously hurt. The most injury might have been a hit finger by accident. I was usually on the winning side.
At 4:41 PM,
Lew said…
Now that is one nice picture. It is best appreciated in the enlarged mode. The spanish moss hanging from the tree limb puts a really nice touch to the picture. It brings back memories of the old time Florida. It is a peaceful scene. The water at Addie Dingmans cabin was calm like this. How I wish that I had some pictures from that time so that I could post them. Anyway, you took a really nice picture. You get one of those little lick-and-stick gold stars and some kudos. By the way, whose hand is that in the picture holding the blue hat? You did good. Lew
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