There was a turtle outside our front door who could not travel forward anymore. The heat was squeltchingly hot and a determined turtle it was not. Disappear turtle and return no more.
Try giving him some lettuce and make him into a pet. Too bad there isn't a shallow depression in the ground filled with water that the turtle could crawl into. The large galapagos turtles would go into these shallow water pools at Disney. They seemed to enjoy it. Perhaps they were hot and this was their way of cooling off. The design on the shell of turtle looks like a tortoise design to me. It is good that you got a picture of the turtle. Looks like he/she has sand on the top of the shell and so I assume that it has an underground den close by. There was a man named "turtle" at the beach and now a turtle shows up on your doorstep. Have a good day and enjoy the comings and goings of the turtle. Lew
At 11:32 AM,
Lew said…
Try giving him some lettuce and make him into a pet. Too bad there isn't a shallow depression in the ground filled with water that the turtle could crawl into. The large galapagos turtles would go into these shallow water pools at Disney. They seemed to enjoy it. Perhaps they were hot and this was their way of cooling off. The design on the shell of turtle looks like a tortoise design to me. It is good that you got a picture of the turtle. Looks like he/she has sand on the top of the shell and so I assume that it has an underground den close by. There was a man named "turtle" at the beach and now a turtle shows up on your doorstep. Have a good day and enjoy the comings and goings of the turtle. Lew
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