This went to the moon
There was a dot of light in the sky that disappeared, before I could take a good picture. I ended up with the leftover smoke tail from the rocket that was carrying two satellites that went to the moon. One satellite was suppose to map out the best places for astronauts to land. The other satellite was suppose to crash into the moon and judge if there is or was drinking water on the moon. I am glad the rocket launch was a success. I hope next month when the shuttle takes off, it will be a success. We did quite a lightening show last night and I am sure there was some rain to go along with the storm. The storm quickly past us and went South to Titusville to give them a show.
At 3:25 PM,
Lew said…
What a clear sunny sky in the picture. Not a cloud in sight. It is hard to imagine that it can rain when you have a sky like that, but it does when the afternoon comes. It seems like August weather has arrived in June. Are you planning anything special for the Fourth of July like seeing a fireworks display? There are so many fireworks set off in this neighborhood that the air is heavily laden with gunpowder smoke. Plus there just seems to be non-stop bangs, pops, and whistles of the various fire works that the people living here set off. We had the remaining spaghetti for supper tonight along with garlic bread and a strawberry flavored heart shaped glazed donut. The donut was quite big, very good and very filling. We actually still have enough spaghetti left for one more meal which will be for supper on Thursday. Mary made a large pot of spaghetti yesterday because she knows that I like spaghetti the second time around. I like the left-over spaghetti better than the original cooking of the spaghetti. Sort of like meatloaf which is also better the second time around. Tomorrow we will be going to Arby's for lunch because it is "free Wednesday" and they are giving away roast beef sandwiches. We will buy our drinks plus a large french fry to go with it. Have a good evening and stay dry. Lew
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