turkey talk

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday is it going to rain?

The Maxwell house coffee was pretty good this morning. Last night's dinner was turkey with peas and noodles topped with an Alfredo sauce. Plus, served with a buttermilk biscuit. It was very filling. This is an old picture of the South Bridge at sunset. You can see the cars descending down the roadway with their headlights on. I don't know what we will have for dinner this evening, but I can pretty much say it won't be scallops from Publix. They were serving a scallop meal at the Apron which is a sampling bar located inside Publix. The last scallop meal from Publix, mom broke out in an itching fit. There was something connected with the scallops that made her allergic. It could be just a nice bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich for dinner.


  • At 6:18 AM, Blogger Lew said…

    Wow! Your dinner sounds like a Sunday dinner instead of a Monday dinner. Last night we had roast pork with baked (microwaved) potato and cream corn. When I was younger I use to like going to the lunch counter at Woolworths and get an open faced turkey sandwich drowned in gravy with the mash potato sitting in a pool of gravy. Hearty food. They also had roast beef open sandwiches served the same way except with a beef gravy. But I preferred the turkey. I guess that all of the woolworths are gone but I liked eating at their lunch counter. Have a dry day. Lew


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