Lets get some coffee
I got my Maxwell house Colombian coffee and it seems like all is right with the world. These pigeons were just settling in for the night. I took their picture because they looked so relaxed and charmed with each other. They do have pigeon fights, but this is kept out of open sight. Underneath the structures the pigeons have nest and territories. The pigeons do get into a heated battle over territory. Who owns the territory and who owns the female pigeon. It seems interesting to see how structured this pigeons exhibit in a home environment.
At 3:33 PM,
Lew said…
Have you ever noticed that when pigeons walk that their heads bob forward and back with each step? Pigeons are like crows in that they walk like us moving each leg independently. Sparrows on the other hand are hoppers. Hoppers is an interesting term. When I worked at the hospital in Phoenix there was a woman employee of the hospital who worked in the cafeteria. We got talking once and she told me that her husband worked for an armored car (truck) service. I asked her what he did and she said that he was a "hopper". I didn't know what she meant by the term "hopper" and I asked her to explain it to me. She said that the men who hop out of the back of the truck and go into the store to get the money and then hop back into the truck upon their return. She said that they are called hoppers because they are constantly "hopping" in and out of the back of the truck. I guess that term might also apply to the garbage men who work on the back of the truck because they are always hopping onto and off the back of the garbage truck. When I lived in Miami I always got a present each year for the garbage men. It was a $ 10 book of gift certificates for each one of them from McDonalds and there are three of them; one driver and two hoppers. And that is how I addressed the envelopes that the gift certificate were enclosed in. On one I wrote the word "driver" and on each of the other two envelopes I wrote the word "hopper. Yeah, that adds up to $ 30 which made for some very happy garbage men. In Miami a lot of people leave gifts for the garbage men just before Christmas. Sometimes you would see a brightly wrapped Christmas present sitting on top of the garbage can for them to pick up. I think that they made a pretty good haul. By the way I drink the Maxwell House original instant. I have gotten so use to it that I prefer the instant over the brewed. Have a good day or evening or whenever you happen to read the comment. Lew
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