Encounter with a young person
Do you ever wonder how much information a young person really knows? When I went to the doctor's office yesterday, the receptionist was born in the 1980's and did not really know about the singer "George Michaels." It made me wonder, if young people are born with giant erasers on their brains? How much past have they never heard of? My mom was worried about keeping information straight yesterday, but imagine if you were information deprived. I remember baby sitting a boy and girl many years ago and the girl did not know who Richard Nixon was. I was amazed and floored. She wasn't taught this information at her age. The kids of today really would not know about the Apollo moon flights or Mercury or Gemini astronauts. They wouldn't even know about Skylab. I guess with the intended return to the moon in a capsule this would look all new to a young person. This would look like it has never been tried before. Do you think we would progress a lot further by forgetting the history of the past? This is a subject where many people would have different opinions. This is one of the ghostly looking shrimp boats out at dusk.
At 6:56 AM,
Lew said…
That bright light on the shrimp boat reminds me of the boats on the television series Deadliest Catch. When they are pulling in the traps in the middle of the night, they have so many floodlights on the boat shining both on the deck and in the water, that everything is lit up as if it were daylight. Perhaps that is the same situation on the shrimp boat and that is why that light is so strong. It really is a pretty strong light to appear that bright from such a distance. You are right about remembering the past. I have heard of an expression "Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it." I think that is true. There are numerous sites on the internet where veterans record their memories for others to see. The stories are really fascnating and the historical significance of them should not be lost to time. I have to go. I have to practice some more of my whistling Dixie. Lew
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