What old television show did you like?
I was recalling the old shows, I use to watch like "Gilligan's Island." I also was a big fan of "Lost in Space and Star Trek classic." I liked the family adventures of the Robinsons on some distance alien planet. I liked how they would stick together and work out problems and everything turned out OK at the end of the show. In "Star Trek" I liked the go go boots the women wore with the shore dress outfits. I like how suave Captain Kirk was with the ladies. I liked the communicators and the phasers and the transporter. It was all a new and very cool concept. I also liked "Dark Shadows and Hogan's Heroes." I also liked "Dr. Who." I thought the music to "Dr. Who" was real cool. I also watched "Brady Bunch, I dream of Jeannie and Bewitched." I still see them on retro television channel. There seemed to be quite a few things I did see on television.
At 6:12 AM,
Lew said…
Yes, I liked Lost in Space and the original Star Trek series. I watched them religiously. Star Trek was in a sense a hope for a better future. My favorite episode was The Doomsday Machine. I particularly liked the performance given by William Windom as Commander Matt Decker. I just felt so sorry for the character and William Windoms’ performance enhanced the pity. I guess that I am just a Trekkie at heart. Lew
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