Going back to New Smyrna Beach
These two motorcyclist passed us on State Road 415 on the way home. I thought this is such a cool picture because they look so open and free on the road with no restrictions from the police. I wonder if they were heading to Daytona. I am sure there is more for them to do rather than going to New Smyrna. It is true New Smyrna opens its doors and puts on a friendly face for Biketoberfest and Bike week. However, I don't see many bikes outside of those dates. Most people I see are driving cars or pickup trucks. Even the eye doctor in Ocoee abandoned his motorcycle due to the rain. He doesn't like driving through extreme rainy conditions that Ocoee and Orlando has been under. I saw some Golden Rod in Sanford after turning on to State Road 415. This is a sure sign of fall coming. Golden Rod is very noticeable during the fall. Plus, I think I will miss the changing of the rain tree leaves from yellow flowers to pink pods on the way home. Silver Star Road had it's rain trees which are very fallish looking.
At 3:53 PM,
Lew said…
I think that sense of freedom is one reason why motorcycle riders ride motorcycles. They are not inside a car but out in the open with the wind blowing on their face. There was a television series which I liked which brought the escapism of motorcycle riding to the viewers. The show was Then Came Bronson starring Michael Parks. I also like the song played at the end of the show which was Long Lonesome Highway and sung by the star Michael Parks. He just went from town to town experiencing life. Very similar to the show Route 66 which I liked also. But these shows were idealistic. And it probably really isn't that much fun. Or maybe I have become jaded and my idea now of roughing it is staying at a Motel 6 instead of a Holiday Inn. Motel 6 really is about as rough as I am willing to go even if Tom Bodett does leave the light on for me as he says in the commercials. Have a nice day and I will try getting a picture from a moving car and see if it is blurry. Keep looking up. Lew
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