What a typical relaxing time at the beach
These two people are just relaxing at the water's edge. I would imagine the waves rolling in on their feet. Maybe they have something cool to drink. I wonder if this is they are on vacation or if they are regulars just spending a day at the beach? The weather was this nice yesterday when we were suppose to have 70 percent chance of rain. Today is only 60 percent chance of rain. I did not get to see the boat wreck on the beach. Only on the television set. I did not see a boat out on the water. The waves are not to so chopping until this weekend due to Hurricane Bill.
At 3:35 PM,
Lew said…
The couple in the picture do look as though they are enjoying themselves. When I worked in Miami, we had a secretary named Kathy who use to go to one of the fancy hotels on Miami Beach for a week. I asked her why she would do that when she lives right there. She could drive to the beach from her house. She said that she didn't have a pool and she liked sitting beside the pool on a lounge reading a book, soaking up the sun, and have those fancy drinks with the little umbrella in them. She said for a week that she didn't have to make the bed, cook, or clean. She felt that people come from all over the world to these fancy hotels and so why shouldn't she. Pardon the pun, but in a sense it made sense. So these people on the beach could be local people doing the same thing. I don't see anyone in the water and that may be due to a strong undertow from the storm and waves. It is nice to see people enjoying themselves. Lew
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