Early Riser
I woke up very early and would have been able to see the launch of Discovery, if it were Sunday morning. However, the launch doesn't come until Tuesday. I will probably sleep through it and see the replays on the regular news when I get up. Our neighbor across the street had her outside light off earlier in the evening. I was always use to it being on. Mom kind of liked the light being on. We both thought maybe the neighbor moved. However, I took me laser pen outside and was playing with it around her oak trees. I discovered the truck she drives was in the carport. I figured their power bill must have been way too high, but I checked this morning and their carport light is on. Plus, the car is gone. I figure she must have a job she does overnight. She would have a limo sitting in her driveway every once in a while. Maybe she is a limo driver. I would call this a lucky guess. This is a picture of my mom's friends who now live in New Jersey. George Melloan use to work for the "Wall Street Journal." Joan Melloan use to be an Indiana Reporter. She also served as an Editor. George is scheduled to have a book published in November and Joan is in the process of writing her book. This picture was taken awhile back when I had my swing. I briefly talked with Joan yesterday and she said the temperature was in the 90's like it is in Florida.
At 6:53 AM,
Lew said…
What happened to your swing? Did you get rid of it? I am planning on getting up early for the shuttle launch on Tuesday. I try to watch the prelaunch television coverage for about an hour before each launch, just trying to get some of the thrill of the early space launches. I want to get in all that I can of the remaining launches because pretty soon there won't be any more. It is a shame that I missed so many of the launches all these years, but that is procrastination for you. "Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow". A procrastinators favorite saying. Thanks for the birthday card which was very nice. I liked it. Thanks again and have a nice day. Lew
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