Weekend has arrived
I was looking for wave action from Hurricane Bill, but did not see much. The television caught more with the surfers, than I saw with my own eyes. They did not shoot from New Smyrna Beach. Instead, the television surfing scenes were filmed at Cocoa Beach in Brevard County. I also found the day to be excessively hot. The heat was a kind of stagnate sweltering sauna. I just wanted to hit the escape button and drop the temperature about 20 degrees. Lunch was a chicken dinner at the Beacon and dinner was Salmon. Today maybe the waves will be bigger than they were yesterday. I could only imagine. The surfers would have the best time catching the waves. I can also imagine sailboats on the water, but I don't think it will happen any time soon.
At 6:06 AM,
Lew said…
On the weather section of the news this morning they said that the waves were going to be 9 feet high today. That would be more than 3 feet higher than the top of my head. Too big for me. Those kind of waves is very reminiscent of California where the waves were either big or even bigger. As I walked along the waters edge I would look for pieces of glass in the sand. The glass would always be ground by the wave action and the sand so that there were no sharp edges on the glass, only smooth rounded edges. The glass would be frosted by the action of the sand. I would find various colors of this glass which reminded me of colored jewels and I was just fascinated by them. I have not found pieces of glass like this at the beach when I was in Miami. I don't think that the wave action is powerful enough to get the sand to grind the edges off. Tonight is pork chop night. Bon apetit. Lew
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