The Claw
I guess animals and birds and people are use to routine. The group of pelicans in the picture seems to be use to traveling in formation down the coast. Today was garbage day and by surprise "The Claw" from the garbage company attached to a truck was by to pick up the neighbor's tree trunk that had been in the yard for the past week. It also picked up the garbage of tree limbs next door and the tree limbs placed along the street down the road. It was cool to watch. The back of the truck went slightly up on a small hydraulic lift, then the claw went into action clasping at the tree debris and placing it in back of the truck. When the truck left the street seemed so empty. The lady who had the tree trunk in her yard has a bare spot outlined by high grass that really needs mowing. 
At 3:43 PM,
Lew said…
There looks to be some sort of electrical lines near the claw. "The Claw" sounds like something out of a horror movie. I bet that the guy who operates it does real well on those amusment machines where you have to drop a grabber device down onto a toy and then lift it into a chute that lets the toy come to the outside of the machine. I wonder what they do with all of that wood. It would be good if they could burn it to produce electricity rather than just bury it at a landfill. In Miami most of the residential garbage gets burned to produce electricity. All of the waste products like metal cans that won't burn get recycled. Even the ash gets recycled for use in cement production. It is good for ecology to turn the garbage into electricity. Today was fish for supper. We had noodles alfredo and Mary had shrimp on the side and I had a couple of those frozen fish filets on the side. I think that the frozen fish filets were made by pressing minced fish into the shape of a filet. It was edible with lots of ketchup. W#ith enough ketchup I can make anything taste good. And remember that tomorrow is Saturday which is big breakfast day. Lew
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