Mom and I were not ready for an early start this morning to Glendon's place. It turned out we left a lot later, but all the last minute details were taken care of. We took a plastic bag of garbage and found a dumpster over by the Suntrust bank. This was an easy task to get rid of the garbage. Mom drove all the way here to Williston. We passed white water crane type birds with skinny s shaped necks. They were searching for food with their tiny eyes looking kind of sideways. We saw oak trees with the tree trunks submerged in water. You got the sense that the State of Florida was sinking into a watery ocean. This picture was taken in Micanopy. I guess we just drove down there to look at the old houses and antique places selling things. I like this house because it looks like something very Victorian. It is not to often you will see a house like this one. When we arrived I got stung by the stinging neddle plant on my leg. It itched quite a bit for awhile, but eventually the stinging went away. I tried to feed Gator some corn chips which he didn't really take to it. He cured his nose up to me. I got to help turn the beef ribs on the open barbeque pit out back. It was fun to turn them and more fun to eat them. The ribs went nicely with potato salad, corn, regular salad and diet cola. We were suppose to have an extra guest, but he never showed up.
At 6:13 AM,
Lew said…
I agree. A nice house in the picture. They style of house usually ends up becoming a bed-and-breakfast place eventually. The roof has an extremely steep pitch which is done up north so that the snow will slide off before getting piled up too high on the roof and breaking the roof from the weight of too much snow. But not a very practical design here in Florida since the steep pitch resembles a sail to the winds of a hurricane and cause unnecessary pressure from wind loading. The round rooms are quite a novelty. I wonder what you would use it for? The cuppola roof is neat also. This reminds me of the widows walks that they would have for the wives of fisherman in New England. These were located at the level of the second floor or sometimes even at roof level. The wives would walk out on them to look far out to sea when they knew that the sailing ship that their husband was on would be approaching shore. I noticed the thick wire running along the peak of the roof to the chimney. This thick wire probably attaches to a lightning rod on the chimney. There also looked to be a white steam radiator in the ground level round room. There is a lot to see in a picture and to me it all tells a story. I hope that you get lots of overpriced gifts and all that you want for your birthday. Enjoy yourself to the max today because your birthday only comes once a year and you will have to wait an entire year for the next one. Happy Birthday. Lew
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