What is left on the beach?
Mom said this was an ideal picture. Someone left an abandoned teddy bear on the table by the beach. Did you hear the story about the abandoned baby left in a box in Ocala. Someone had the courage to call the authorities and it looks like the baby girl will be OK. The baby was bug bitten, but not too much else wrong. It is stories like this one that tugs at my heart. How can someone leave a baby alone in a box? Is there a mom and dad even remotely worried about how the baby girl is doing? I hope the baby girl does find a good home where a mom and dad will care for her the rest of her life. She deserves to have love in her life. I hope it will be there for her. This could have been some kid's toy or maybe a small doggy toy. One could only guess where the bear originated. Chicken noodle soup was pretty good last night. We did have a lot leftover. Plus, I saved some chicken out separate, so mom can make her chicken salad sandwiches. I don't know what will be on the dinner plate tonight, but I do know we have corn on the cob to eat. Plus, there is brocolli to eat. I am sure we will figure something out for dinner.
At 6:20 AM,
Lew said…
I am confident that somewhere there is a little girl very upset because she left her teddy bear at the beach. She probably cried and begged her parents to go back for it which they may yet do. Sutffed toys are so important to young children because they represent a security symbol for them. So long as they have their teddy bear they are protected and everything will be all right. Sort of like the Peanuts character Linus who always walked around with a blanket and his thumb in his mouth. Some parents see this as a weakness and will try to take the blankets and stuffed toys away from the children which just stresses the child. In time the child will cast off the toy much like in the song Puff the Magic Dragon which I find to be such a sad song of a child growing up and going from the world of make-believe to the world of reality. Like when we all believed that there really was a Santa Claus (especially Virginia) until one year we finally figure out that the presents are really coming from mom and dad. So hopefully the parents eventually brought the child back to the beach to retrieve the teddy bear. Have a nice day. Lew
At 5:48 AM,
Lew said…
That was a nice picture on your blog of May 31. I looked a bit closer at the sand castle in envy because mine as a child were no where near as good as the one in the picture. Upon closer examination it appears as though they must have had a special sand castle mold set. It had to have been a lot of fun for the kids to build something and have it come out that nice when they were done. There are just so many toys now-a-days. But I was happy as a child building my simple sand castle but I would have liked to have built something like in the picture. I am not artistic and so I am the type who needs the molds. Just thought that I would comment on the nice sand castle. Lew
At 5:56 AM,
Lew said…
I also took another look at the picture of your June 1 blog. I notice that there are a lot of people in the water so the water must be nice and warm. I like the ocean in the summer because the water is so warm that you can just walk on in, none of the business of slowly going in when the water is cold so as to get use to it. Warm summer water, just come on in. When I lived in California the Pacific ocean is perpetually cold. Even in summer the water is freezing. You are lucky to live so close to the ocean when people from all over the country and Europe spend large sums of money to travel to the beach. Just think of all of the money that you are saving. Enjoy, but don't get sunburned. Lew
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