shoes and feet
As a kid, how often did you go barefooted? Were you raised to go fishing in bare feet like" Opie Taylor" on the "Andy Griffith show?" I remember going horseback riding with bare feet and shorts and no saddle. I remember the Mexican men in their pickup trucks with their frilly tassels hanging inside the cab of the truck would yell out the window at me " Capasa Chiquita" which I asked my dad. He said that meant "whats happening little girl?" I was a little annoyed, but that did not stop me from trail riding bareback with no shoes on. I got my share of stickers or sand spurs which required tweezers to pull out the fine little needles lodged in the foot. I never got glass or a rusty nail caught in my foot. My feet were free and happy. Things like school,church and just going to the store required me to wear socks and shoes. I wore flip flops until they wore out. Tennis shoes were a bother because the shoe lace always had to be tied and the tongue of the shoe always had to be pulled out. I was so glad when the shoe lace was made an option by the Velcro. I jumped on that bandwagon real quick. Unfortunately the quality of the heal wasn't good and I wore many tennis shoes out. Fortunately the shoes weren't real expensive. They were made by K-Mart and sometimes they were on sale. I had my dress pump shoe phase, but now it is strictly tennis shoes.
At 6:13 AM,
Lew said…
I tried bareback riding once when I was young. Well, actually I never did get to ride because as soon as I was on the horses back I slowly started to slide to one side. A very slow slide and I struggled valiantly to halt the slide but to no avail until finally I was past the point of no return and I fell to the ground. I was being encouraged to get back on but I declined. I figured that if I slid off once, then I would probably slide off again. You must have been a fine equestrian to ride bareback. Personally I need a saddle with a big horn on it to hold onto with both hands so that I don't slide off again. We had a beautiful palomino gelding but he was returning to his "doesn't want to be ridden state" because he wasn't being ridden very often. He was more like a very expensive pet. We had to board the horse which was expensive. I think that the ideal situation for horses is like your sister whereby you can keep them on the property. Has your singing cowboy (Happy Trails) been back when you go to visit? He looked to be quite tall on your video. Going barefoot? Yeah, when I lived in Miami and going for a picnic to the beach. As I was carrying a very large and heavy ice chest filled with ice and cans of soda through the grove of coconut palms to the picnic table I stepped on a sandspur with my bare foot. There was nothing to do but let it keep sticking me until I could lower the heavy ice chest to the ground and then raise my foot and take the sand spur out. The heavy ice chest on my shoulder just caused the sand spur to be ground in even further until I was able to remove it. But as a child, I usually wore shoes. The bottoms of my feet were just too tender to go without shoes. Have a nice day but wear your shoes when you go outside. Lew
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