Do you think the shuttle will return to Florida?
This issue is like one of the main horse races. Will they or Won't they? The rain has done a job at keeping the shuttle away. I bet it has kept a lot
of tourists from the beaches. Maybe even changed some of the plans of tourist thinking about going to Disney, Universal or Sea World. The Florida sunshine has been replaced by some much needed rain. If I were gambling with money, I would say California was a better place to land the shuttle. The news keeps stating how fragile the shuttle's heat shield is to rain and how lightning can knock out the flight control panel to the inside of the shuttle. It would be easier for NASA to just pay the extra amount of money it takes to carry the shuttle back to Florida. The astronauts get home safely and all is well for the next mission.
At 7:14 AM,
Lew said…
I agree. California has to be the better place. Why take a chance on Florida. We have had two shuttle disasters and we don't need another. I think that another disaster would probably bring a quick end to the shuttle program. However, if the shuttle lands in California I will miss the sonic boom of the shuttle coming in. I always race outside to hear it. Do you get to hear the sonic boom there at the beach? Can you actually see the shuttle with the naked eye from your house? Whenever I would fly in or out of Miami by plane I would always try to spot my house since I didn't live that far from the airport. But it was always to no avail since I was unsuccessful on seeing my house from the air. I was always a little nervous when flying because the thought that there was absolutely nothing beneath for a distance of 15,000 feet to the ground was always a little disconcerting to me. I would always try to get an aisle seat so that I could look at the cloud top formations out of the window. I imagine that the shuttle astronauts must have a similar view when they reach the lower altitudes but for them it must pass by so quickly. I guess that we will have to wait until tomorrow to see where the shuttle comes down at. Have a good day and don't forget to sandbag your house. Plus you will have all that sand for potting plants with after the storm. See, there is a good side to everything, free potting sand. Lew
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