Recalling the past
I grew up in the suburbs. I rode my bicycle around Pine Hills without worrying about guns, knifes, or drugs. I just watch out for cars and they watched out for me. I guess the highlight of the afternoon was to go get a Slurpee from the 7-11 close to where my parents had a local weekly newspaper business called "The Sun of Pine Hills." Most trips to Indiana were taken on the Amtrak train. However there were a few taken by car and one picture of my dad with his Chevy pickup truck parked at my granddad's place outside of Logansport. This Chevy truck had a topper in the back, so I could along with our dogs ride back there and crank the windows open for outside air. We would never go up to Indiana in the peak of Winter. Thus, I have never really experience seeing snow. Mom was asking me yesterday, if I remembered taking a candy bar when I was little. I told her" I could not remember." She said" I felt real bad and she took me back in to pay for the candy bar. " I had no recall of this incident. I asked her how old I was? She told me three or four. I did the math and that would be forty one or forty two years ago. She remembers the details well and I have no recollection at all. I have seen pictures of my mom bundled up in a winter coat in Upland, Indiana. I do have recollection of the farm she spent her summers growing up at. I recall the country road running up to the farm. I recall the land she was supposedly promised by Annie, but did not get because of her niece. I recall the trip my Aunt Jean, mom and I took in a rental truck to pick up stuff from the estate sale after Annie had passed away. It was like the show "Two and a half men" but with women and a kid in the reverse roles. I recall the little hand pump water well outside the house. There was a picture of me as a little girl holding a tin cup under the pump faucet. I thought that was so cool. I did not have as many memories of this place that mom must have experienced. However, I did hate to leave it because I thought I was leaving a place full of treasures. At least to me being a city girl seemed like a world full of treasures. I wonder now if this country road is a road leading to a subdivision. I can envision the farm being gone and a bunch of houses in it's place. This would have been the result down in Florida, if this had occurred in Florida. If we do happen to return to Logansport for a visit, I would want to try the Spanish hotdogs my Uncle had talked about before he died. He insisted these were the best hot dogs he ever ate. I wonder if they truly live up to their reputation? Today is trash day and I have let my coffee get cold. I am also trying to improve my game score on Scrabble Blast. I still have time to improve.
At 3:14 PM,
Lew said…
Yes, the slurpee’s at 7-11 are pretty good. Mary and I just got one the day before yesterday. They all have these strange names to them and pictures of the Incredible Hulk with the strange names. The names don’t give any hint as to what the flavor is but sometimes they will have the flavor written on the machine in small letters. I got a sugar-free slurpee which was made with Crystal Light. It was pretty good for being sugar-free. As I tried to drink it I noticed that it seemed to be a lot colder than the usual slurpee or icee drinks. I was really having a lot of difficulty with it because it was so cold. Then I noticed that the condensation on the outside of the wax-paper cup was freezing to ice. Now that is cold. So I just took my time at it and by the time that I got home, it was finished. Actually, it was pretty good being that cold since my whole purpose in drinking it was to chill myself down on a hot day. Have you ever had your forehead hurt from drinking them too fast? I wish that I had a dollar for every time that happened to me. The waves in the picture look pretty nice, not too big and not too small. For swimming that is, but maybe not for surfing. I only see one lone surfer on a surfboard. Maybe the waves were a little small for surfing. It has rained pretty much all day here in Orlando. Hard this morning and a constant steady drizzle this afternoon. I guess now that the grass will take off in a growing frenzy. We have a self-propelled lawnmower (not ride-it but hand type) but it doesn’t seem to work too well in the sugar sand which the wheels sink in. It would be nice to have a thick luxuriant lawn like you have in your front yard. Tonight we are having hamburgers for supper along with onion rings. Onion rings are good. I can and will put ketchup on both sides of my hamburger and the onion rings. I am a ketchup fanatic. I will finish off the condiments on the hamburger with some sweet relish and some sliced raw onion. Have a nice evening and stay dry. Lew
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