Middle of the week
I like AC and a place where you have some quiet time. The time is now with my coffee and whatever is coming into my e-mail box that takes forever to load. I have taken my synthroid, beta carotene, lutein and vitamin D. I take the rest of my stuff later. The political issues seem petty. Cheney hit the airwaves complaining how Obama is running the office. The news media is making an issue over which political dog is smarter. The Vice President's dog Champ or Bo. I can not see arguing over either issue. It seemed like the rain hit the interior of the state yesterday. Today, I think I saw the doppler say the coast would get some rain. The rain sure makes our yard in need of a lawn trim. The yard trash gets picked up today. It will be nice to see the big pile in front of our house gone. Speaking of gone, our neighbor Pauline leaves for the Carolinas today. She won't be back until June 7 of this year.
At 7:08 AM,
Lew said…
Very early morning when the house is quiet is a good time. No trafic noises from outside. If it is dark, the roosters aren't crowing yet. The roosters crowing in the morning is "cutesy for about the first 20 crows but then become annoying at around the 50th crowing and beyond. Yesteray though, I was in the backyard and I could hear the "caw, caw" of a crow. Instantly memories of Addie Dingman's cabin flashed back because I remember that sometimes it was so hot and steamy in the summer and the leaves weren't moving at all because there wasn't a breath of wind nad I would hear the "caw, caw" of a crow somewhere. Her cabin was surrounded by woods with only her cabin and a very large vegetable garden in the clear. I would look for the crows making the noise but was never successful in finding them. The primitive narrow dirt road was perhaps a mile long. It was hard for me to tell because there were bullrushes that were about 6 or 7 feet high that leaned out into the dirt road qwhich made my father drive slow as they scraped along the side of the car. He went slow because he wanted to minimize any scratching the paint on the car. Calling this oversized dirt path a road is a generous term. It was also rutted where both tires went down the road. On yard trash I am one day ahead of you, our trash pickup was yesterday. Imagine these poor fellows picking up the trash when it rains. They must get soaked. I checked my squirrel feeding shelf with a small cat food tin can which is mounted on the side of a tree filled with bird seed this morning. It was full of rain water so I am not sure how to keep the bird seed dry. Maybe I will put less bird seed in the feeder until I find out how much the squirrels can eat in one day so as not to waste it. It didn't look as though they had eaten any of the bird seed. There are lots of cardinals in both the front yard and back yard. I did a search on cardinals on the internet and found out that they don't like bird feeders that hang from a tree (the kind that I have) because they swing and are not stable. Also they like a nice wide area to perch (which mine doesn't have). Also they like to be on the ground or low to the ground (mine was high). So I am going to try putting a small empty clean cat food can on the ground in the back yard and pick it up before the rains come. Hopefully this will work. I like animals and nature and am trying my darndest to attract them. The squirrels especially are always so cute to watch. Today will be a trip to the library to take some DVD's back and probably get some new ones. They have quite a few really nice movies for check-out. We will also be going to Arby's for a free sandwich. Have a cool day and keep saying to yourself, "you know, I think that I feel a little chilly". Psychologically, this power of suggestion might work. In actuality though, doubtful.
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