turkey talk

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

boats under the bridge

I have to say a special Thanks to Libby Mitchell who gave us some coupons for a free grilled chicken meal with two sides and a biscuit from Kentucky Fried Chicken. This is in conjunction with the Oprah Winfrey show. I will finally get to try the grilled chicken. Mom and I went to the South Bridge where there was quite a wind blowing. It was like being in a wind tunnel. I only saw one pelican perched way out in the channel underneath the bridge next to some fishermen. This guy in the picture looks more like he is in a bath tub rather than a boat. The water was really choppy due to the big boats passing under the bridge and the wind blowing really hard.


  • At 6:22 AM, Blogger Lew said…

    The guy in the boat looks like he is about get swamped by the wave behind him. Plus he isn't wearing a life vest. Even a ski vest would help. Thanks for the coupon. It has been a long time since I have been to Kentucky Fried Chicken. We usually go to Church's or Popeye's out of convenience. I like their cole slaw at KFC. Enjoy your meal and thanks to you, Mary and I will feast on free chicken also. This is better than getting the freebie samples at the food courts in the malls. Have a nice day and enjoy life to its fullest. Lew


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