turkey talk

Saturday, May 02, 2009

It is Derby Day

Holly goes home today and the Kentucky Derby gets decided today. Holly, is the dog, mom and I have been watching all week long while the owner was on a cruise. Holly takes all her treats home with her. She also gets a new puppy on Sunday. Holly should be happy with the new dog. Hopefully, she will be like a mother to the new dog and show the puppy how to be a proper doggy.


  • At 6:23 AM, Blogger Lew said…

    I had an older german shepherd when I lived in Phoenix. She laid around a lot and wasn't too active in her old age. We got a puppy (german shepherd) and it was amazing how much she perked up. She had a playmate and they were a pair for life. I think that your friend getting a puppy is a good idea instead of another adult dog which could be viewed as competition by the doh Holly. I think that dogs are territorial about the house and are reluctant to accept another adult but will accept a puppy. Stay cool. Lew


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